Logan Imagine

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Your best friend wants him.

Right now you and your best friend (y/b/n) are hanging out with your boyfriend Logan. Right now you are watching Unfriended and your best friend is acting like she is scared but she actually not and you noticed but Logan hasn't noticed until she asked him to hold her hand. That is when you had enough and you couldn't stand looking at her so you got up and left while taking Logans hand and draging him with. "Babe what is the matter?" Logan asked worrily. "Have you not noticed how she asked you to hold her hand when she was 'scared' or when she was flirting with you?" you asked upset. "Of course I noticed, but I am ignoring her because I love you and only you no one else ok," he said while looking in your eyes. "Ok," you said with a small smile. You and Logan eventually went back after making up and when you got back Logan pulled you on his lap and holding you during the rest of the movie. The movie was going smooth untill (y/b/n) started asking Logan to hold her hand or just hold her in general and that is when you had enough. You stood up and looked at her and said "Why are you all over my boyfriend if you haven't notice neither of us like it so please stop!" you shouted. "Maybe you don't like it but Logan does right?" she asked flirtious. "No I don't just leave us alone and if you were (y/n) real friend you wouldn't do this," he said also haveing enough. "Whatever," she said while leaving your apartment. "Bye Felicia!" you said while Logan said "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" and you never did see her again well in the paper when she got hit bye a bus like Regena George in mean girls.

God I love Mean Girls I had to lol. Hope you liked it.

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