Jake Imagine part 2

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Ella P.O.V
Ughh that little no good bitch how dare she do that to me. Yea me and Jake broke up but I wanted to get back together but she had to get in the way and ruin everything. Right now I see her and Jake drive away with a smile on their  faces. Its not fair she is a little nobody that works at some thrift store  ughh. There is one thing on my mind and that is to get my Jake back. *2 days later... Ughh i looked every where but I can't find them until today when I had saw them walking down the street holding hands and eating ice crean ughh they are disgusting. It's not fair.
(y/n) P.O.V
Thank god she finally left us alone. Well she did until she was there at the park glaring at us. I looked over at Jake and wispered in his ear that Ella is staring at us. Jake being himself looked over there pissed off, oh god when Jake is mad he isn't the most kindest with words. I must of been day dreaming because I look over and see Jake talking to her no more like yelling at her two words oh god.
Jake P.O.V
When (y/n) said she was looking over at us I had enough. "Hey Ella can you please do me a favor and leave me and my girlfriend alone?" I ask furious. "But Jake me and you were made for eachother she is just a nobody in my way," she whined. "Ella you and me are over and if you can't comprehend that then you are truelly clueless," I yelled." But-but," she stutterd. "Ella we are not together the end," I said while waliking over to her. When I got over there I just hold her in my arms while she played with my hair. Everything was peaceful when Ella sarted yelling saying its "Not over ," while being carried away by the guard's of a mental institution. I knew this wasn't the end...

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