Personal imagine

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For Joulse
Julie P.O.V
Ugh I just want to sleep and do nothing but my best friends Ethan and Grayson wanted to hang out. Yes I'm best friends with the Dolan twins ever since we were little. Anyways I was just chilling in yoga pants watching netflix when, my phone started ringing annoyingly interrupted my show, how rude. Anyways when I answered my phone Ethan yelled into the phone saying go to Starbucks to hang. So I decided to change in case we went somewhere else, like I say "Always be prepared to look fine." Lol anyways, I could not decide on what to wear. Until I found the perfect top, which then led to the perfect outfit.

After, I got ready I grabbed my hand bag and keys and on ward to Starbucks I went

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After, I got ready I grabbed my hand bag and keys and on ward to Starbucks I went. Once, I found a spot I walked in to hear my name be called. I turned around to see the Dolan twins and this blonde guy sitting there as well, all I thought was damn he is cute asf. Shh that is a secret I mean he must have a girlfriend or something which made me sad. So I decided just to walk over and join my best friends and the cute mysterious boy. The minute I sat down the stranger introduced himself "Hi, I'm Jake,"he said. "Hi I'm Julie." That moment when we shook hands in felt little tingles through my body, now I know we just met but I can't help. Ugh, I want to go home. If I only knew what is going to happen. Anyways after that we all talked, laugh, and joked in Starbucks after awhile I decided to go home. When Jake stood up and offered to walk me to my car. Once we arrived Jake said the thing that my day 100% better. "Umm Julie I know we just met and stuff but, would you like to go on a date sometime?" He asked nervously. My insides are filled with butterflies. "Yes Jake I would love to go out sometime," I answered full of excitement. Then I realized I screwed myself over. "Oh my god Jake, I'm so sorry for saying love, I mean we just met and then Jake cut me off saying "Shhh it's fine Julie and it was cute anyways." He said before continuing "Ok, so here is my number text me so I can get yours and I will call you then alright." He continued looking at me. Just when I thought the night couldn't get better Jake decided to give me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
A few months later
After Jake asked me to take me out, we decided to see each other more often. Then Jake asked to be his girlfriend , which of course I said yes. Who knew meeting a complete stranger, through your best friends can lead to you dating him?

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