Birthday Imagine

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Tonya P.O.V
Today is my birthday and I couldn't wait to spend it with my best freinds. Right now I'm food shopping with my boyfriend Logan, while my best friend Courtney is setting up the living room for a big sleepover. Well our squad is kind of big with Logan, Courtney, Jake, the Dolan twins, Marcus, Cody, Twan and others cuz that list would be to long lol. Anways me and Logan finally got done shopping, which I was glad because people at grocery stores drive me insane, especially when older ladies flirting with my boyfriend. So once we arrived to the car I texted Courtney telling her we are on our way home which she replied say wow finally  and that they were ready like 5 minutes so hurry the hell  up. Well obviously  she is impatient. 5 minutes later I arrived at Courtney and Jake's apartment since they have a bigger space, for parties like this lol.  After we got everything  ready the squad  started showing up. A few hours later we played twister, just dance and other games. Now we are all watching netflix, when Courtney, Jake left the room ok that's not obvious,  what is going to happen . Of course I was wrong when they walked in with a cake that looked like.

 Of course I was wrong when they walked in with a cake that looked like

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I couldn't believe my best friend did this for, she is freaking insane. After just siting there shocked at my amazing cake, I got up and hugged the shit out of my best friend and her boyfriend. After   many pictures were taken we enjoyed the amazing cake. Then of course gifts, all of them were amazing but Logan's was the best. He asked me to marry him and got me an amazing ring.

This was one of the most amazing birthdays  I could ask for

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This was one of the most amazing birthdays  I could ask for.

Happy  Birthday to my best friend tanyewest5. Hope you enjoyed the imagine, once again happy birthday  🎁🎂🎉🎊

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