Valentine's day (Jake)

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Your P.O.V
Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I couldn't wait. Jake told me we where going to do something and that's it nothing else except to dress nice. Ughh the frustration is real. Anyways I went to pick up Jake's gift which was a blanket with pictures of us, people said it was too cheesy but I don't care . You got a problem fight me yea I'm only y/h but still. Anyways lol after I made sure the blanket was perfect I got ready for bed early because I will take forever to get ready lol
Next day~~
I got up around 10:30 right as Jake texted me a morning paragraph like everyday but this one is longer probably for valentine's day. After that he told me he is picking me up around 4:30 for dinner which I stilll didn't know where we were going and it was freaking annoying as hell. Ughh the frustration is real anyways I was on my way to the salon to get my nails done when I hear Selena Gomez new song 'Hands to Myslef' which is my jam. After a few minutes of jamming out to music I finally get to the salon.
~Skip Salon ~
After I get my nails done I go home and finish getting ready after I stop at Panera mmhhh which is my fav place for lunch lol anyways. When i got home I put my Playlist on and connect to my new beat pill(which i love), to go get ready for tonight which as the clock keep ticking,my heart keeps beating faster. After 15 minutes of finding the perfect outfit for my boo I started getting ready
Oh my Jake will be here any minute, Ughh I know it's good I still get butterfly in my stomach but I don't need to be this nervous sheesh. Come on y/n this is Jake your boyfriend that loves you for you come on girl you got this. After I was done pep talking myself I hear Jake's pickup truck pull up my drive way. So I walk out the door to be greeted by Jake giving me a peck on my lips. "Wow y/n you look so beautiful not that you don't look beautiful everyday," Jake says before hugging me. "Aww Jake thank you so much,"I said before pecking his lips again. "Alright beautiful let's go to dinner," he said smiling at me and opening the door for me. "Thanks Jake, soo where are we going," I asked batting my eyelashes . "Hahaha cute but no y/n," he said focusing on the road. "Ugh fine," I said giving up and singing to the radio. After a long 20 minutes we have finally arrived at the newest restaurant 'High Dine'. "Oh my Jake this place is new and expensive you didn't have to," I said looking at him with happiness and shock. "I know but I wanted to do something special for you," he said before kissing my lips.
~After diner and stuff~

Diner was amazing but Jake said the night wasn't over. Once we left the restaurant we went home to watch Netflix after I gave Jake his gift. "OK put your hands out and close your eyes," I told him. "Ok?" He said confused . Once he did I put the bag with the blanket in his hands, "OK babe open your eyes," I said. Once he opens his eyes, he looked kind of shock , that is when I thought he didn't like great way to go y/n.

Jake P.O.V

She made a blanket with pictures of us, this is so amazing. I guess my shock face led to y/n thinking I didn't like it, because I notice her face started to sadden. Shit, Jake come on say something to make her feel better. "Hey, y/n come on babe don't be sad, I love it I'm just so surprise you made me something so amazing," I said looking at her . "You do, oh my that is so amazing," she said happy that I like it. "Happy Valentines day y/n," I said before kissing her. "Happy Valentine's day Jake," she said before we get back to making out and watching New Girl.

Author note

Hey guys I am sorry this is two days late I worked all weekend also Y/h is your height. OK and I'm writing the Logan one also today. One more thing I will be writing personal imagines right now only until summer or spring time so comment an idea is you want one.

once again I am so sorry for not publishing it on time hope you like the imagine.

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