Your baby with the dog

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Your P.O.V

Lately things have been so busy ever since our baby boy y/b/b/n was born. Along with our puppy y/p/n who b/n got along easily the first time they met. Usually the puppy is calm, except the times when the dog barked when someone wanted to hold b/n sometimes it's cute but sometimes it's not. I mean it's funny when it's our friends hahaha anyways right now we are watching 'The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh' on Netflix while the baby was playing with the dog on his stomach(pic above). Which is so cute, so I decided to take a picture and put as my screen saver. Also no, I am not one of those mom's who takes a picture of their kids doing everything because that is Logan's Job. Well you would if your baby was so cute I am also not one of those mom's who brags about their children of post about their baby 24/7. So after the y/b/n laying on his stomach and babbling all day he finally fell asleep which ment the dog to fall asleep after I took the baby to his crib y/d/n fell asleep in front of the crib in a protective way Aww so cute. Well now for my nap.
~few hours later~
I woke up to crying and of course barking so I got up and saw my baby boy awake and upset awww. I walked over to him which stop the dog from barking. After a little while he y/b/n calmed down just as Logan walked through the door announcing he was home which Led to the dog running down stairs and the y/b/n to start babbling again when he heard Logan. Smiling at my baby boy happy he made our lives complete.

do you guys want me to write more baby imagines if so comment so I know.

Y/b/b/n - your baby boys name

B/n- babies name

Y/p/n- your puppies name

Logan and Jake Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now