Jake Imagine

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Break up part 3

Jake P.O.V.

I made the most biggest mistake and now I want her back so I am going to do whatever it takes to get her back. Right now I am on the phone trying to get (y/n) to answer the phone which of course she wouldn't. So once again I left another message saying that I just want to talk but of course I just hear her voice mail which is the only way I can hear her bueatiful voice. Gosh all I want is my baby in my arms while we just sit there not saying anything. Man if I can turn back time I would, but my thoughts were interrupted by someone ringing my doorbell.

Your P.O.V
(after you stormed out)
Ughhh I can't believe he did that I mean I told him all the horrible things she has done to me and he let that bitch in our house how could he. I know you probably thinking calling her a bitch is rude and stuff but she made my high school life hell and that is something you could never forget. So after weeks of crying and anger I finally realized I needed to get my stuff so I got up and drove to Jakes house. Once i parked the car I got out and walked to the door. So after I rang the doorbell you waited for Jake to answer the door. Once he did you wished he didn't. Why because Jake stood there looking as miserable as you were. "Umm I'm here to get my stuff," I said while looking down. "Umm sure but before you do can we please talk?" he asked sincerely. "Yea sure," I said with a small smile. Then Jake lead me into the kitchen where the moment I sat down Jake was on his knees crying and begging for me to come back home. Thats when I started to break down crying telling him I don't know if I can. All he asked was why. I told him I don't know if I can trust him after he hurt me. Then he looked me in the I and said "If I ever ever hurt you again I'll let you walk out the door but not without a fight because I will never stop fighting for you,". Then I kissed him like there was no tomorrow. And what Jake said was true he never deeply hurt me but like every couple we had our fights.

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