Logan imagine

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* you go to the beach.

Right now you and Logan are driving to the beach even tho its shark week you dont care you wanted to hit the beach and tan. Maybe take a little dip in the ocean but not to far in. Once you arrived you saw the perfect spot the car was parked you grabbed your stuff and ran to the spot not caring if you looked odd at all. Once you got at the spot you put your stuff down you took off your dress(get your mind out of the gutter she has a bikini on under it,) and asked Logan to put sunblock on your back so you don't burn. After awhile of tanning you got up and walked over to the shave ice stand and order some cold ice for you and Logan. After waiting in line for your ice you walked back to see this girl hitting on Logan and that is when hell broke lose.

Logan and Jake Paul ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now