You Tell him you're pregnant part 2

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Your P.O.V

Omg I'm pregnant wow! " Are you alright mam,"she asked me. " Yea I'm fine just happy and shocked," I said happily. Then I realised I have to tell Logan. "Alright y/n I will write you prescription for morning sickness and you're alright to go and don't stress," she said before writing down the prescription. "Alright and thank you I will make a appointment soon bye," I said before grabbing the prescription and my stuff before leaving. After I did what I had to do I left to go home. ~skip car ride~ OK y/n you can do this. On the way home I stopped to get something to tell Logan. When I finally got home I saw Logan's car in the driveway thank god he is home. OK y/n now or never. I walked in to see him watching TV shirtless and sweatpants. "Hey babe," I said walking in with my purse and the bag with gift in it. "Hey y/n how was your day?"He asked looking at then going back to watch tv. " Good and umm Logan is everything alright I mean lately you seem kind of off,"I said telling him afraid of his reaction. "Actually yea y/n I need to tell you something come sit," he said while patting a seat for me to sit in. "Alright,"I said worried about what he is going to say. "So lately I have been off and the reason is that I have been looking for a new house for us and I found one," he said excitedly. "Omg that is amazing Logan," I said before kissing him." Umm Logan I need to tell you something also," I said nervously ." What is it babe," he said while grabbing your hands. "Wait before I tell you here eat this fortune cookie I got you from your favorite Chinese place," I told him giving him the fortune cookie. "Alright ," he said confused. Hehehe I'm evil. "Umm y/n are we having a baby?"He asked looking at me excitedly. "Yes we are having a baby!" I told him.

Author P.O.V

5 months later Logan and y/n moved into a new house along with finding out they are having a baby boy.

The end

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