He hangs out with his ex (Logan)

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So instead of him calling you his ex he hangs out with her something different.

Your P.O.V

Today is a day I wish wasn't happening. Why? Well about a week ago me and Logan ran into his ex girlfriend Ellie, the worst part was they started talking then agreed to meet up for coffee. I got mad at him, he told me he was going and then I gave him the silent treatment ever since. Ok I know it seems dramatic but how would you feel if your boyfriend is hanging out with his physco ex.
I mean it she is nuts, ok so me and Logan use to be friends before we dated and she use to glare at me and sometimes growl at me. It took awhile but Logan finally saw what she was doing broke up with her which led to her going completely insane. Anyways lol I was sitting here watching Criminal Minds on Netflix while Logan gets ready for coffee with 'crazy'. He even offered me to go which I said no cuz I will either punch her in the face or cuss her out. I'm a very nice person remember that.
So after like I don't know 5 or 10 minutes Logan came down, and I said idk because I was to busy watching criminal minds. "Are you sure you don't want to with," he asked before walking out the door. "Yep 100 percent positive," I said looking at him and blowing a kiss. "Alright see you later babe," he said while catching the kiss. Ughh now I wait.
~Half an hour later~
Oh my what are they doing, that's it I had enough. So I got up paused criminal minds put on my shoes grabbed my stuff and started the car. I needed to find out what are they doing because it is driving me insane. After a few minutes I found Logan's car at the Starbucks parking lot, of course meet at my favorite place jerks. So I quickly called my best friend y/f/n and told her to meet me at Starbucks.
Before you judge it's been awhile since we hung out lol. So after deciding I got out of the car and walked in to see.

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