Jake imagine

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*swering but not alot

You break up part 1

Right now you are on your way home from a stressful day at work. All you want to do is cuddle with your boyfriend. Once you got home you saw a unfamiliar car in your spot hmm weird you thought. So you parked somewhere else and walked in the door to see someone else's sandals. Now you know a girl is here and you are going to find what is going on. So you being curious on what the f**k is happening. Once you took your shoes off you walk in the living room to hear a girls giggle and Jakes laugh. You had enough of listening to them so you stormed in there to see your the girl that made high school living hell for you and your boyfriend that knows exactly who she is eating and being all cozy together in the same exact place where you and Jake first kissed. That is when tears started to form in your eyes, so you decided enough is enough and asked him what the hell is going on. When all he replied was nothing. That is when you turned around went upstairs and packed your stuff. Just as your about to leave you told Jake that it was over and to never contact you again but that very moment Jake finally...

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