Logan Imagine

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*you guys have a fight and he realizes he was wrong.

You and Logan were fighting about the stupitest thing. Logan thought you were cheating but you were actually with your cousin Logan has never meet. So instead of asking about it he just a soom that you were cheating and started yelling at you untill (y/g/c/n) knocked on the door. Of course Logan answered it and rudely asked what is he doing here. Your cousin said he was here you for your number so when he leaves he can text you. Logan got furious and told him your already taken. That is when your guy cousin started laughing. Now Logan was confused untill your guy cousin told him that he was your cousin. Now he felt bad, so after your cousin left Logan was holding you close hopeing he wasn't going to lose you. After many apolagies and kisses you and him made up.

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