New Years Eve

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Your P.O.V

Tonight is New Years Eve and I could not wait for midnight. I mean me and Logan Kiss all the time but Idk why but I love kissing him in to the new year. Yessss I'm one of those weird girl friends don't judge lol. So right now I'm setting up for our new year party which is tonight. What is Logan, well I don't actually know probably napping lol like always.

Ugh he is so freaking lazy I mean I'm also lazy but not as much as him. I'm tired this is seriously taking longer than its suppose to be like literally I can't no more lol. "Logan where the heck are you?" I yell from the living room. "In the room what do you want?" He yelled back sounding like he just got up. Wtf little but took a nap while I was setting up, oh hell no.

"Where you napping butt face," I asked with sass. "Umm did you call me butt face?" He asked confused. "Don't change subjects on me butt face answer the question," I said giggling on the inside. Hahaha I'm so funny.

"Seriously y/n knock it off," he said getting a little bit angry. "I'm sorry Logan but can you please help me get ready for tonight?" You ask getting back to what you wanted to say. "Yea babe why couldn't ask that in the first place?" He asked confused. "Cuz it's funnier calling you butt face but your my butt face , " you said giving him a peck on the lips.

"Alright let's finish getting ready," he said grabbing my hand before walking out of the room.

Few hours later...

The party has been amazing and of course Logan is getting more and more handsy closer to midnight which is coming closer and closer no joke it's 11:50. So here we all are waiting for the ball to drop, me and Logan cuddling on the couch in our spot lol. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!" everyone yells be for me and Logan start making out.

Author note:

I'm so sorry that I didn't write a Christmas or Thanksgiving imagine, I hope you guys enjoyed. I am also sorry to i_am_who_i_am_13 for not writing your requested imagin if you want another one I will write ASAP I'm am so sorry. Once again I will try to keep up also a Jake new years imagine will be writen. Also the outfit is for girls who like to get dress up and look good and for the ones who don't care but no matter what you always look on point lol. Comment if I should do this from now on thanks

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