He takes you to see your favorite band(Jake)

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Your P.O.V 
I'm so excited, Why you ask? Well tonight me and Jake are going  to see  y/f/b tonight. That's  not even the best part he got front seats near the center stage . I told him it was too much but he replied saying "nothing is too much for my girl," in which I replied  saying "awww Jake you didn't  have to but thank you so much." As of now I'm deciding on what to wear tonight I mean I found two outfits that are both amazing but I can't decide, so I'll just have Jake decide. "Hey Jake can you please come in here and help me decide on something". "Yea sure babe," he replied. When he came I got straight to the point "Which one?" "That one," he said pointing to the rolling Stone t shirt, jeans and Adidas shoes. "K thanks," I said before giving him a peck on the cheek. "Now get out so I can get dress," I commanded. Instead of replying  he just moaned in frustration.

Few hours later.......

3rd person.

Y/n  and Jake arrived at the venue right on time, but of course the line was annoyingly  long. After 15 minutes of standing in line they were calling the people who had floor seats into a separate  line. Finally after what felt like an hour they  were finally in their seats. After awhile the opening act for yf/b came on, and you knew after this fun was going to start.

Your P.O.V

Ugh no offense to the opening act, but  I just want my  f/b to come on. I mean they ain't bad, it's just I think I waited long enough. Finally after they played a few songs, my f/b was  finally introduced.  Which then I started screaming my head off. Jake just laughed at me and started belting the lyrics out  to the first  song. I eventually  joined him after I stopped screaming. The band played all my favorite  songs but I like them all so yea. After an hour or two,you know it's all most over when they get to that one slow song they have, but I wish they would never get to it because I don't want it to end. After they played their last song, I kissed Jake on the lips in which he was surprised  at first but started kissing me back right away. "Thank you so much Jake, I love you so much for everything  you  do for me." "Awww I love you so much y/n, and thank you for always being there," he said back before we tried making our way to his truck. In which I couldn't stop smiling because this was one of the best nights I ever had.

Author note

Hey sorry it took me so long to finally write this. I'm also sorry that I didn't write any holiday ones either. Also I'm going to write a Logan one for this plot, but different story line. Also  I'm going to do personal imagines more but once in awhile I'll do regular ones.

Y/f/b means your favorite band

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