Semi 2015

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Logan imagine

Logan's P.O.V

This year I've been super busy with my viner stuff, I feel like I'm neglecting my girlfriend (y/n). Before you say umm do this and this to make it up to her, well I already know that and that is what I'm working on. The thing is idk what ughh.

Your P.O.V
"Ughh idk what dress to pick," I complained to my best friend. "Idk I already got my dress," she said notchely. "Thannkkss for the help," I said sarcastically before rolling my eyes. So after that I continued looking for a dress,then I found the perfect one. It had white lace top and mint green bottom, I think I found love(jk). After I got the dress we made an appointment to get our hair and nails done. Oh yea btw we are getting ready for Semi, lol sorry I forgot to mention it. Anyways After went to the mall and stuff I went home to put my dress away, when Logan walked in wearing sweats but still looking good. "Hey babe," I said before kissing his cheek. "Hey where have you been ?" he asked befor grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a hug. "Oh I went dress shopping for Semi," I said. "Ohhh yea that," Logan said like he forgot. "Please Logan tell me you didn't forget," I pleaded hopeing he didn't forget. Then I knew he did because what came out of his mouth was a total lie. "Of course I didn't baby," he said high pithchish. "How could you Logan, ugh you know what just forget it I'll just go with friends," I said slightly and before turning around and leaving our room. "I'm-" he tried saying but before he could I cut him off. "You know what Logan I'm sad you couldn't remember," I said a little but upset. It hurt knowing he was to busy to remember something he promised to me.

1 week later~~~
Ugh today is Semi, well I mean tonight but I have so much shit to do. Not to mention but I'm still mad at Logan. Uhhh I don't know what to do.

3rd person P.O.V
After (y/n) left to get ready Logan had a surprise waiting for her at home. You see after their fightish, Logan wanted to make it up so he decided to ask her to semi. Not the whole will you go to semi with me? And give her a rose nope. What Logan did was big... So after (y/n) was going home to finish up, she walked in the door to see Logan standing there is a suit and Will you go to semi with me (y/n) in roses. Not any roses your favorite, so after that loving moment you got ready and left having the time of your life.

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