Jake imagine

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You come home and see Jake made a mess after you just cleaned the whole apartment so you have an argument :(

Your P.O.V

Omg thank god I am finally done. You see Jakes mom is coming over tomorrow, so I cleaned the whole apartment. The whole time my poor baby aka my husky puppy wanted to go for a walk, but I had to clean and Jake went off with his friends. After I was done I changed into some comfortable cloths and grabed his leash for a walk and then called out " Come on baby, lets go for a walk," I said  Then I see my adourable husky run to me wagging his tale. After I put his leash on, I grabbed my phone and ear buds and  walked out the door and into the streets of California. After awhile my baby got tired so we decided to head home but when I did I was shocked... " What the hell Jake, this place was cleaned when I left!" I exlaimed angriely. " Babe calm down you can always clean it again it ain't no big deal,"he said carefree. "Yes it is, I spent all day cleaning and Your mom is coming over tomorrow and I refuse to clean it again," I answered full of anger. "Well I'm not cleaning so either you clean it or leave it," he sassed back. "You know what Jake I'm not cleaning it again and I'm not staying so bye," I answered, I then called my baby again."You are serious (y/n), please don't go I'll clean up my mess just please don't leave me I love you," Jake said scared. "Ok Jake I'll stay but please don't do it again, I love you,"I said happily. Let say the visit with his mom  went well.

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