Personal Imagine

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Personal Imagine for Simoonaye
Simone P.O.V

Today is my best friend Jake's birthday. Yep January 17, the day my best friend and crush Jake was born. Yea I like him, I mean who wouldn't. He's sweet, funny and damn good looking and I don't regret saying that. Well anyways I am getting ready to go celebrate with our friends. I have no idea what to wear untill I found the perfect outfit(above). Once I was ready I got in my car and drove the karaoke place where we were meeting. Jake texted me telling me that they were here. I finally saw Jake and the rest of the guys so we went in and to our booth, were we order wings and pizza. After laughing and eating, we got cake and got the whole karaoke club to sing which was embarrassing for Jake but hilarious for us. So after us embarrassing Jake, he got his revenge. How? Well you see Jake asked me to go up with him and sing. What song, well you see what he picked was 'Like I Can' by Sam Smith. After the song~
"Wow I never knew you could be more beautiful," Jake mumble quietly but I heard it. "What?" I asked. " Simone can I tell you something," he said while looking in my eyes. "Jake you can tell me anything," I said while grabbing his hands. "Simone for the longest time since we first became friends I have liked you, so will you go out with me? " he asked me. "Of course Jake I have liked you for so long, but I was so nervous to tell you," I said while looking at his hand. "Shh, never be afraid to tell me something, so will you go out with me," he asked. "Of course I will," I said before he kissing me. After our amazing kiss Jake and I leave to go home and cuddle.

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