Personal imagine

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Jake imagine for i_am_who_i_am_13

Kylie P.O.V
"Ughhh Jake come on lets go for a hike," I said while poking my boyfriend to get up. "Babe it's to early go back bed," he said rolling over which led me to falling off. "Jake Joseph Paul get you but out of bed right now or I'm not going to give you any kisses anymore," I said dead serious jk I was about to lose it. " I'm up, gosh baby dont do scare me like that now give me some sugar," he said while pukering up his lips. "Come on Jake, get dress so we can go hiking," I said while putting on my shoes. "Finee but I get extra kisses now," he said while pecking my lips before putting on his sunglasses and walking out the door. "Ok I'll grab breakfast bar's and water," I said while rolling my eyes. "Thanks," he said before starting the car.
15 minutes later...
Jake's P.O.V
Ughhh we have been hiking for like 5 minutes and I'm tired. Untill I saw a lake then I got an idea. "Oohh babe look lets go swimming," I said pointing to the lake. "Idk babe," she says unsure. "Please baby," I plead. "I guess," she said still unsure. Hmm that's odd. After I get undressed untill my boxers I jumped in feeling refreshed. "Come on babe it's nice," I said feeling cool. "Ok," she said quietly. After she jumped in, I was waiting for her to come back. A few seconds later I thought she was playing a joke then it turn into minutes untill I realized she wasn't joking. Omg she can't swim why didn't she tell me, what am I doing I need to save her. After I got her up I realized she wasn't breathing oh no. Then I started doing cpr, after a few seconds she woke up and started coughing up water. "Shh baby your alright," I said while rubbing her back soothingly. Thats when she started crying "I'm-m s-o-o sorry Jake," she said while hicupping and stuttering. "It's ok baby, I still love you," I said before kissing her. "Now come on lets go home and cuddle," I said while picking her up and walking to the car.

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