Your child breaks the new tv (Logan )

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Your P.O.V
Lately our son s/n has been misbehaving and Logan says it's because of the terrible twos ,but  I say because Logan let's him get away with it. But today was the last straw, I was trying to get our baby girl to sleep and Logan was filling up the pool, when I heard a big smash. Thank god y/d/n was sleeping , if not that would hell(excuse my language). Anyways I grabbed the monitor and ran to the living regretting it the minute I did. There sat our little boy giggling while our brand new tv had a smash in it the size of a block. And to make it worse Logan walked in confused then angry as hell. "How did this happen, you know what I don't want to know," he said a little to calm oh no. "Y/s/n you are grounded which means no playground and you must go wait in your room and no PLAYING !" he yelled very loudly , which led to him crying. Logan handed him to me before going to his room and cleaning up his toys and then  grabbing his phone to makes some calls. I tried soothing him but he must of fell asleep from crying too much, my poor baby. Even though he didn't mean I'm not mad just upset for what he did . Once I made sure that they were both sleeping I see Logan head in hands probably frustrated. "Ugh y/n I'm so pissed off I know he doesn't know better but still," he said looking at you frustrated and upset. "I honestly don't know Logan, I think we should make him read every night even though he doesn't like it, that could be his punishment," I said. "I mean he is only 2 and doesn't know better and I refuse to spank my son," I continued. "I wouldn't feel right doing it Logan or knowing you did it, we need to find another way to punish him,"I said. Logan stood up and pulled me in a hug before saying "I know but y/n we have to punish him and not reading how about no play room for a week and

he must help you and me out all week and can't complain. "Alright now let's go talk to him and keep calm," I said a little sternly. So me and Logan went to s/r to find him sound asleep. "Aww, Logan I don't want to wake him up," I said smiling at my baby boy. "I know y/n but we have to talk to him," he said. After that Logan gently woke him up and talked to him about the punishment was and why it was wrong. After apologies and hugs we all decided to go outside and have a family picnic and swimming.

Hope you enjoyed this and btw s/n mean sons name.

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