Jake Imagine

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* your in a car crash and you lose your memory...

Right now your on my way to the mall to meet your friends. On the way you noticed the person in front keept serving, hmm maybe they are drunk you thought to your self. After a while of driving behind them you decided to pass them in a passing zone and no cars coming so just as you were about to pass...

When you were suddenly hit by the drunk driver, which made you swerve into a ditch. As you hit the ditch you went flying foward to hit your head off the steering wheel and the last thing you heard was people screaming to call 911.

3 months later...

Jake P.O.V

Its been 3 months since I got the news my baby was in a car crash, 3 months since she was in a coma. Ughh I have been going mad not be able to kiss her and hold her in my arms. I remember the day like it just happen
Flash back....
I was playing video games with the guys when my phone started to ring. Hmm maybe its (y/n). I was wrong "Hello this is the California hospital is this Jake," a lady asked. "Yes this is him,what the problem?" I ask worrily. "Well you see (y/n) was in a car accident," she said sadly. "Oh ok I'll be right over," I said sadly. "Alright see you Mr. Paul,"she said before hangjng up. That's when I speed to the hospital to see my girlfriend in coma with a little chance of ever waking up...
Flashback over...

That is what happen my baby in a coma and that drunk bastard behind bars. After sitting with her telling her I love and see her soon I got up gave her a kiss and left. That night I got a call saying (y/n) has woken up. I was so excited that I get to see my baby's bueatiful eyes again. Skip the drive.. Once I arrived I ran to the desk and asked for (y/n) room I speed walk to the elevator and pushed the floor level. After waiting in the elevator I heard the ding so I got out and walked in her room to see doctors talking to her but the minute I stepped in she turned to me and looked at me with confusion. "Umm who are you?" she asked confused. "Umm I'm Jake your boyfriend," I said a little up set she didn't know who I was. "Umm I have no boyfriend,"she said to me. "Yes you do im right here," I said a little to loudly. "Umm sorry you look and sound really nice and stuff but sorry I don't remeber you being my boyfriend ," she said sincerely. Then it hit me my baby the girl of my dreams lost her memory.

Sorry it took so long to update I have been super busy these few week. I will try to update in my free time.

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