Personal Imagine @i_am_who_i_am13

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Kylies P.O.V
I am so excited, why well today Jake is gonna take me on his motercylce for the first time. That is why I'm deciding on what to where cause it's so beautiful out in Cali. So I decided to put on this super cute outfit I got the other day( up above) and some vans along with fishtail braiding my hair. I was finally ready when I heard Jake rev up his bike, so I knew it meant time to go so I grabbed my phone locked my door and left. When I got down stairs I saw something so amazing Jake on a black Harley. Wow I just got the feels lol."Umm babe are you ready or nah Hahaha," Jake said while snapping his fingers to get my attention. "Yea, yea sorry," I said while blushing. So after that awqward moment Jake helped me put on my helmet and get on the bike, we were ready to leave. Uhhgg traffic was a pain but once we hit the country side the ride was sooo beautiful. I never notice how beautiful Cali was untill, I saw it from the bike. After awhile me and Jake got home. "Omg Jake that was so amazing, thank you so much," I said with excitement while hugging and kissing him. "No problem babe," he said while hugging me back. After that we ate pizza and watch Netflix.

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