Jake Imagine

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*imagine you and Jake are getting married.

Your P.O.V

Omg is the day I am going to get married to Jake. What if I trip or he doesn't love me anymore? So all morning a bunch of what if thoughts were on my mind but then they all went away, when Jake sent me a dozen Roses. A few hours later~~~
Omg wow I am so nervous now. I'm almost at the church and I am freakin nervous. I look out the window to see the church in view. Well here goes nothing right. Hahaha I am so scared all I want is my Jake ok deep breaths. We have finally arrived at the curch, I opened the car to be greeted by my parents (or whoever). "Ok lets go do this sweetie." your mom said. "Alright," you said with a smile. Right now you are waiting in a room in the church untill it was time for you. So while waiting and taking selfies it was finally time. You kept to saying you can do this along with your best friend saying it will be alright. Now you have finally made it down the aile only a few more minutes and you will be Mrs. Jake Paul. After the priest words... "Do you (y/f/n) take Jake to be your lawfully husband till death do you apart and in sickness and health for rich or poor?" the priest asked you. "I do,"you said while looking at Jake with tears in no tears in both of your eyes. "Do you Jake Joseph Paul take (y/n) to be your lawfully wife untill death do you apart in sickness and health for rich or poor?" the priest asked Jake. "I do,"he said looking in your. "By the power invested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride," the priest said happily. Then you and Jake kissed each other like no tomorrow until Jake realize that your familys were there. After partying hard core you and Jake went on your honymoon in Bora Bora. Happy Ever After...

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