Your baby falls asleep with your dog(Jake)

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Your P.O.V
Ugh I'm so tried with Y/d/n being up all day and our new puppy being just as energetic I have been wanting a nap. Well after awhile she was finally asleep on the floor while watching Frozen. That movie will drive me insane, no joke there is only so much I can take of let it go. After y/d/n fell asleep so did y/p/n which ment peace and quiet until they both wake up funn. I can't wait till Jake gets home from work, and yes I do work but not on the weekend's because of my job which is y/d/j I am always busy. So I asked if I could take weekends off and work if they absolutely needed me. So my boss being amazing said I could so I can spend time with my little girl. Anyways lol since they are both napping I decided to watch some Criminal Minds while I clean up the living from y/d/n and the puppy ughh I need a nap. Once I was finished that I fell asleep on the couch. ~2 hours later~ I woke up later than I wanted to a quiet ok a too quiet house ok this, is weird. Y/d/n and the puppy were no where to be seen. I look at the clock to relize Jake was suppose to be home by now. I got up and look around the house to hear y/d/n laughing outside. So I walked outside to see her,Jake and the puppy playing outside. That is when I realized I had the most perfectish family for me, before I went outside to join my family.

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