Jake imagine

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You Tell him you're pregnant. BTW this is in the future you and Jake are older like mid twenties or how ever old you want to be.

Your P.O.V

I don't know what to do. Do you ever feel like that when something amazing yet scary happens to you? Well that is what I'm feeling right now. I just found out that I'm pregnant, I'm so happy yet so scared about Jakes reaction.

I mean I wanted a baby for awhile so has Jake but Idk if it's to soon. Ugh you know what I'm just gonna tell him, why hide this amazing news. When he walks in I'm just going to say not beat around the bush. *door opens* "Babe I'm home where are you," Jake yelled from the living room.

Shit I didn't mean now. "Umm up here babe be down in a few," I yelled. Crap, you know what I will tell him now. I walk down stairs scared out of my mind. "Hey y/n," Jake said before pecking my lips.

"Mmmhhh hey Jake how was you day?" I asked before walking to the couch.
"Good babe, how was yours?"He asked before siting on the couch.
"Actually babe I found out something," I said.

"Hmm what is that ?" He asked before grabbing my hands.

"OK so here we go Jake umm I'm pregnant," I said nervously afraid of his reaction.

"Omg wow really babe we're having a baby," he said jumping up doing his happy dance.

"Yes Jake we're going to have a baby," I said before continuing. "We are going to be parents,"I said before kissing him.

"I have to call everyone ok, I will be right back alright don't hurt yourself or the baby and I love you." He said before kissing me and going to call everyone.

Well that went better than I thought.

I will write a Logan one ASAP 

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