You tell him your pregnant (Logan)

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Oh no it happen again the second time I threw up. Yea I know tmi but it's true, and I don't know why well for now I'm going to the doctor but Logan couldn't come of course. Lately idk what was the matter with him but I don't like it at all. I mean everything has been going good and we aren't fighting. I mean I have a lot going on right now what if he thinks I'm not giving him enough time. Omg it's all ,my fault. OK y/n calm down everything is going to be fine I said to myself. I'll ask him what's wrong with him later but right now I have to see what is wrong with me. *skip to the doctor office the obgyn* Omg my nerves are seriously getting the best of me and I don't like it. Now I have to wait for the nurse to call my name which could take "y/n Paul " or now lol greattt. When I get to the room I sit on the examination table nervous as hell." OK Mrs . Paul why are you here today?"the nurse asked. " OK so lately I have been throwing up and I have headache when I'm working," I said. "Alright the doctor will be in soon," she said before leaving. A few minutes the doctor walked "Hi I'm doctor Ellers," she said "Hi,"I said awkwardly. "OK so you're here today because of sickness and headaches am I right," she said looking at clip board. "Yep also I have mood swings also soo," you told her to add to what is wrong. "Alright I'm going to ask some questions," she said. "Alright," I said before answering the questions. After the questions she asked me to take a pregnancy test. That is when I said this " Wait what?" I said kind of shocked. I never thought of being pregnant wow. " A pregnancy test is that alright," she asked confused. "Yea Yea no problem I'm just shocked ," I said ~After taking the test ~ Alright y/n you are pregnant congratulations!! Omg!

Hey guys I will write a part two right now. Hope you enjoyed it.

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