personal imagine (sarah)

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Sarah P O.V
Do you ever get that feeling when something is good something bad is going to happen. Yea well I'm getting that feeling and I have no clue why. I mean I just started dating Marcus Dobre. And well I mean that's something amazing but what could go wrong. Yet I mean a lot of things could go wrong... Ugh I just need to stop worrying.
Anyways right now me and Marcus are cuddling in his room watching a tv show that is on hulu, when Jake walked in looking all happy until he saw us. Then his smile went away which was weird but ok. "Hey man what's up?" Marcus asked Jake. "Not much just wondering if you were up to a game of basketball or something ?" Jake asked. "Nahh maybe later me and Sarah are going to finish this episode and then go out to eat." Marcus said. Jake looked at me with this kind of upset look which was weird but ok. After the episode was over Marcus got up and gave me a peck on the lips before he went to get a shower. Which left me alone in the bed until I got up to get ready ughh can't we just stay in bed.
Jake's P.O.V
You know I was in a good mood until I walked in and saw Sarah in bed cuddling with him. I mean Marcus is my homie but why Sarah the one girl I actually liked. I mean I liked other girls but not the way I like Sarah. Anyways I need to find a way to make them break  up. I know what the hell but I like Sarah and even though Marcus is my friend I know how he isn't good for her. So I figure out a way to split them up.

3rd person P.O.V
While Sarah was getting ready Jake was thinking of a way to split them up.  Sarah just finished getting ready when Jake had his plan all figured out. Marcus and Sarah left for the restaurant  and Jake followed them so he could put his plan in action. Sarah and Marcus were talking well Marcus was flirting when Jake walked up to their table...

Marcus P.O.V 
I was shamelessly flirting with Sarah when out of nowhere Jake walked up to our table with a smile on his face. Great what now was all I was thinking until Jake did the unthinkable. " Sarah I know you and Marcus just started dating but listen I have liked you for a while now," Jake said before continuing. "Well I was just wondering if maybe you would like to give us a try," he  said looking at Sarah only.  All I could think to say was umm excuse   you that is my girl not yours but what Sarah said was kind of like that well  kind of. " Jake listen I understand what your saying but my answer is no, alright I like Marcus very much and I want to give us a try." She said politely.  That is when things kind of  went south. " what the hell do you mean no, I mean what does he have that I don't." Jake yelled very loudly. "Also all he is going to do is break your heart and you know what don't come crying to me when  he does," he continued to yell. And what the hell I will not ughh. Welp   I let this go on for too long now. I stood up and told him off,  it went along the lines of your a horrible friend , I'm moving out and see you in hell. Yea not the best thing to say in a restaurant  or to get into a fight. Anyways after all that me and Sarah moved into our own apartment and Sarah kissed all my bruises like the amazing girlfriend she is.

The end.

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