Logan Imagine

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*Imagine for tanyewest5
You and Logan go for a picnic and he proposes.

Logan P.O.V

Ughh I am so nervous today is the day I am going to propose to my girlfriend for 2 1/2 years Tonya. I mean I love her so much and I want to start a family with her, gosh I hope she says yes. Few hours later... Right now me and Tanya are walking to the tree were we shared our first kiss, first I love you and the spot were I'm going to propose. Gosh this day is perfect, the day and my girlfriends adorable laugh fills the air. Well here goes nothing. "Umm Tanya I need to ask you something?" I ask getting sweaty hands. "What is it Logan," she said sweetly. "Alright here it goes, Tanya will you marry me ?" I ask on one knew holding the engament ring she wanted. "Omg, omg Yes a million times yes!"she answered with happy years running down her face. So I kiss her to stop the tears.

Hope you liked it

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