Logan Imagine

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*imagine your getting married.

Today was the day. Yep today you were going to get married to your highschool love Logan. You were happy to prove those people who didn't think you will make it and you were happy he asked you to marry him. Right now you are waiting at home because you and Logan weren't getting married at a church nope you guys were getting married at a bueatiful opening in the woods. You and Logan spot it one time on a date and you knew you had to get married here. So now its time, time when you now become Mrs. Logan Paul has finally come and you couldn't wait. "Do you (y/m/n) take Logan Alexander Paul to be you lawfully husband untill death do you apart, sickness and in health for rich or poor?" the priest asked you. "I do," you said looking at Logan with a smile on your face. "Do you Logan Alexander Paul T take (y/m/n) as your lawully wife till death do you apart for sickness and health for rich or poor?"the priest asked Logan. "I do," Logan said with happy years. "By the power invested in me I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Logan Paul you may kiss the bride. Which Logan gladely did . After cutting the cake and partying you and Logan honeymoon at (y/h/s). The End

(y/h/s) means your honeymoon spot. Also comment if you want a honeymoon imagine thanks

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