Jake imagine part 2

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Jake P.O.V 

I can't believe  what I did, I ruined my baby's birthday by cling her Penelope. God how could I do this all I hear is her cries and it hurts to know, that I caused this.  I feel like I just ruined the most perfect  relationship I ever had. I also   just ruined my chance to propose to her great just great. I need  to make it up to her, she is my everything   someday I'm  going to propose.  I need to make it up to her asap.

Your P.O.V 
After hours of crying I fell asleep which took two hours till I finally woke up to realize Jake wasn't in bed. I mean yea I'm mad at him but it doesn't mean I don't want him to cuddle. So I decided to go downstairs  to see him passed out on the couch snoring  loudly. Aww  he  looks so adorable when he sleeps and btw  is not weird I watch my boyfriend sleep he is my boyf. After  a few seconds lol I finally decided to wake him up. "Jake babe wake up," I said while shaking him. "Hmm I'm up I'm up," he said full awakeish. "Jake come to bed I want to cuddle," I said hugging him. "Baby I would but I feel so awful for what I said to you today," he said looking in my eyes. "I know Jake and I forgive you but it will take me awhile to forget  and I want us to still be together and get through this together," I said looking back at his eyes. "We will y/n no matter what I will never lose you," he said. "I love you so much," I said before kissing him. "I love you so much y/n," he said kissing me back. Which then it led to a steamy make out on the couch. It took us awhile but me and Jake did get through this together.

Hope you guys liked it.

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