Chapter 9: Return to Hell & Skill Synthesis.

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Well this past month sure was hectic. I mean all this month we four of us stayed together and they all get along pritty well.

First when I asked about their relationship that why Veldora is so scared of them and why they are nervous and feel regretful towards Veldora. It was a disaster, they literally started to fight. I had to intervene and stop them.

Later they told me and Veldora that they also don't like punishing Veldora but because Veldora never listen to them and that makes them angry and that's why they start to beat him. And after getting beaten by his sister's Veldora was traumatised.

But after my idea they somewhat told their feelings to each other. And that idea was a fight. A three way fight. They fight almost three day's and destroyed nearly the whole continent but after that they developed something like a understanding towards eachother.

And during their fight they released so much of their magicules and aura that surroundings magicluster which was formed during my and dragon sister's fight turned into Adamantite a legendary grade matel.

Of course I wouldn't waste such opportunity so I took some adamantite. And Ciel used this adamantite to make a sword for me. She make two swords I don't know why two, but well I didn't ask her either.

The sword she made were high grade legendary swords and she said that after applying [Space-Time Manipulation] on my [Stomach] where she has stored the [Turn Null] energy and my aura to increase the flow of time she is planning to evolve my sword into mythical grade sword.

Cool right. But one thing is bugging me and that is what Velzard mean when she said 'big brother had taken intrest in you'  why Veldanava will take intrest in me? Did I do something wrong ? And why is she don't want to tell me about it ? Wait does she even know why ? Too many questions ? Ah.....

>>Hey Ciel do you know what does Velzard mean by Veldanava has taken intrest in me ? What do you think about it.<<

<<Master I also don't have the knowledge of it but there is a theory, and there are total 98% chances that my theory is right.>>

>>Then tell me what is it ?<<

<<After analysing masters memory when master was dieing in his previous time I have deduced that master is not belong to this time.>>

>>What are you saying!!! What does that mean ?<<

<<What I mean is when master was dieing master was supposed to reincarnate as a monster with a bloodless body, but at the last moment master wished that master wants to be a primordial demon but because primordial demons are came to existance since the dawn of creation master's wish was failed. But again master wished the same thing and because of masters will power is strong the voice of the world accepted your request and send master's soul into the past and let master reincarnate as a primordial demon and that's why there are total seven primordial angels and eight primordial demons because initially there should be only seven primordial demons. Not eight.>>

>>So does that mean I am a extra one.<<

<<Yes. And it seems that Veldanava has senced that master's soul has travelled through time and that's why he is keeping watch on master.>>

>>Doesn't that mean my presence is changing the timeline ?<<


>>Any suggestions to prevent that, cause I don't want to get in odds with Veldanava.<<

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