Chapter 37: The Second Marriage: Shizue Tempest.

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'Rimuru POV:'

Currently, I am sitting in my room, pondering what I should do next.

The first thing I am planning to do is to go and rescue two of my subordinates who will arrive in the material world tomorrow.

One is a bee-type insect; I believe she is a wasp, and in the future, she will become very strong. Strong enough to evolve into a True Demon Lord.

The second is a beetle insect, and he will also evolve in the future.

He is an insect, and in the future, he will become strong—very, very strong. Strong enough that there is a possibility he might rival Diablo.

However, there are very low chances of that happening. Even though he becomes strong, he couldn't surpass Diablo in experience and skills.

Diablo is a Primordial Demon who has lived since the dawn of creation. Because of this, he has accumulated a vast amount of experience. For Zegion to surpass him in experience is almost, if not completely, impossible.

Diablo always tries to learn new things and new magic spells. He frequently fights with Guy and others. He is always with me, learning new fighting techniques from me. Additionally, Ciel gives him tips from time to time on how he can improve.

That's why it's impossible for Zegion to surpass him in experience. He may surpass him in terms of existence value. Yet, existence value alone doesn't determine a person's strength.

(A.N. Guys, this is my personal opinion. Even in volume 21, Zegion has an existence value of 68M, but he is still not stronger than Diablo. That's because Diablo has more experience than Zegion. In Tensura, it's stated that existence value doesn't determine their strength. For example, Rimuru.
Even in his True Dragon Release state, Rimuru is as strong as True Dragons. This is either due to his skill or because of Ciel—whatever the reason, it's a fact that existence value doesn't determine their strength.)

Well, I will know in the future how strong he will become anyway, so I think there is not any point in thinking about this.

Also, I am planning to go there tomorrow, but today I have a very important thing to do. And that is, today I am planning to ask Shizue for marriage.

We have been in a romantic relationship for more than ten years, and now, today, I am planning to ask her for marriage.

I am sure that she will agree to marriage, but still, I am nervous. Awwww!!!!! Man, why am I being nervous????

Didn't I am The Supreme Deity??? Then how the heck I am nervous??? I wasn't nervous when I asked Ciel for marriage, then why????

>>Ciel, help me!!!!!<<

<<Don't worry, master, you got this!! Go for it!!!>>

>>Thanks, Ciel, I needed that!<<

<<You are welcome, Master.>>

Now that I have regained some of my confidence back, I should go and ask Shizue.

'Third Person POV:'

After gathering courage, Rimuru stepped out of his room and made his way to the garden to see Shizue.

As he entered the garden, he saw Shizue there, engaged in a duel with Veldora. The sight of Shizue's graceful movements as she sparred with Veldora captivated his eyes.

Soon entranced by her, Rimuru found himself lost in admiration and started to stare at her, momentarily forgetting the purpose of his visit.

However, both Shizue and Veldora soon became aware of Rimuru's presence. Stopping their duel, they turned their attention towards him and approached him with curiosity.

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