Chapter 35: Forging Destiny: The Rescue of Shizue Izawa.

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Attention: Hey everyone, my exams have started, and they'll be going on for at least the whole month. This means there's a chance that I won't be able to post the new chapter as promptly as usual.

So, please be aware that the chapters may come later than usual during this month.

Also, I wanted to share my opinion that Shizue is more beautiful than Velzard, Velgrynd, Chloe, and everyone else from the Tensura world, except for Ciel. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Anyway so enjoy the chapter!!!!

It has been 236 years since I fought Milim and Veldora.

Nothing noticeable has happened in all these years, just some random occurrences like three new members joining us on the Demon Lord council.

I don't know their names, and I don't want to know either. Milim told me that they are not strong, and none of them possess a Demon Lord seed.

So I don't care about them anyway. Also, between 30-40 years ago, a mindless beast was born from Veldora's magicules that he let loose because I had told him.

I think people call it Charybdis or something like that. When it was born, it didn't have any ego, just a mindless monster. So I thought of giving it an ego so it could think for itself and not go on a rampage.

But Veldora stopped me, saying that he didn't want any children. Because Charybdis is born from Veldora's magicules, in a way, Charybdis is his child. He didn't want to have a child, so I didn't push it further and let it be.

And then, Hinata showed up. She revealed that across various timelines, Charybdis has always been sealed. In subsequent cycles, it invariably threatens my country, leading to my intervention, defeat of the beast, and absorbing its power for my own empowering.

Though there's no immediate need for this now, I allowed her to seal it. This way, when it inevitably attacks my country in the future, I can intervene, grant it consciousness, and by then, I'm confident Veldora will be prepared to take responsibility for it.

After evolving into a True Hero, Hinata has become stronger than her previous self, possibly at the level of Luminous. This enabled her to defeat and seal Charybdis without much trouble.

As she was about to seal Charybdis, Treyni appeared. She mentioned knowing a secluded place in the entire Jura Forest where we could seal Charybdis. Treyni was one of the spirits who entered the Jura Forest after Ramiris began her reincarnation cycle.

While I'm not entirely sure why she came here, I have a vague idea. I believe she might have been one of the fairies serving Ramiris before her appearance here.

I think she and the other fairy who came with her thought that the next Queen who will succeed Ramiris, which is Ramiris herself, would be a wholly different person from the previous Queen who only inherited her name.

Thinking along those lines, they came here to the Jura Forest, I think, and when they arrived here, Veldora accepted them. Since this forest belongs to Veldora, getting his permission is necessary, and since they obtained permission from him, they are living here and looking over the forest as its overseers.

After that, there were no significant events, and at this moment, I am heading out to rescue Shizue-san.

Currently, I am wearing a black suit. I don't even know why I am wearing this. It's just that when I told Veldora that tomorrow I am going somewhere, he asked me if he can come too, and then I said he can.

And today, he just came and said that we need to wear these black suits and black glasses, with big guns in hand.

When he said that, I just stared at him for a straight five minutes. And my reaction was, "WTF!"

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