Chapter 38: Bee, Beetle and Blondy Demon Lord's Skill.

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Attention: Guys, I have written a note for you at the end of this chapter, so make sure to read it.

So anyway, enjoy the chapter!!!

"Rimuru POV:"

Right now, I am near the western part of the continent, close to the border of the Holy Empire of Ruberios.

This is the country that Veldora destroyed 250 years ago. Now, it seems to have stabilized and is maintaining itself quite well.

I've also heard that they have formed some kind of council in the western nations. Shizue told me that they established this council to defend themselves from the looming menace of monstrous threats and the demons that attack the western nations per Guy's order.

I've also heard that its place of operation is in Ingrassia, the nation where Shizue is famous as the Conqueror of Flames. It's a good thing that, up until now, Shizue has only revealed her first name and not her full name.

This way, when I establish my country and name it after my last name, people won't immediately make the connection between me and Shizue.

I'm fine if they find out after we've established our nation and formed alliances with other nations. However, if they find out before then, who knows what they might do.

Because humans are often delusional, they tend to believe what they think and act based on emotions. Considering all these things, there is a chance that some people might think that I kidnapped Shizue and come up with some absurd bullshit like that. Acting impulsively on their emotions, they might resort to attacking my country, and personally, I don't care what they do.

However, I'd prefer they didn't attack my country because I have no desire to kill humans for unnecessary reasons. If I were to do something like that, there is a chance that they would all gather together and attack my country, then I'd have to kill all humans in the world.

And I don't want that, because even if they are the worst creatures in the entire existence, excluding some people of course, Velda loved them and always made sure that they wouldn't go extinct.

I don't want to see his efforts go to waste. Besides, if I were to do something like that, he might get upset, whether he's in the afterlife or not. But who knows if he's in the afterlife? Still, I don't like the idea of upsetting him. So, it would be best if humans didn't know about my country for some time.

Hmm... well, whatever happens in the future, I'll deal with it when the time comes. There's no point in thinking about it now.

Right now, only Veldora is with me. Shizue was going to come, but she remembered that she needs to go to one of the human countries. They sent a letter to every country asking for help because there are some demons attacking them.

I sent Diablo with her just in case. I don't know why, but I just felt like I should send him.

Well, now we are almost there. We can teleport there in under a billionth part of a second, but you know, it's nice to fly sometimes.

As we come closer to the border, I can see the destruction that is going on, as well as the battle between humans and demons.

Hmm... So Guy has sent demons from his lineage. Well, he is doing his job, so let them do their business, and I will do the thing that I came here for.

Hmm... Where are they? Where are they?

Ah... Found ya!

Huh... Why are there only two insects? There should be three!! Some time ago, when the dimensional layer was distorted, I felt three individuals entering the material world.

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