Chapter 14: The Aftermath and Stats.

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'Rimuru POV:'

Well that was quite a fight. Veldanava give me really a good fight. Right now nearly all of the world has been destroyed as a result of our fight.

Well that was to be expected. It was a fight between two catastrophic beings. We can say that we are more than catastrophic beings.

Right now I am in good shape. I didn't take any damage or any injury or something. It's just opposite to that right now I am completely full on magicules and I don't have much as a scratch on my body.

Well I should release the three dragon siblings. Or should I fix the damege that we cause first.

Nah.. it can be done later first I'll release them.

>>Ciel can you release the True Dragon siblings for me.<<

<<Yes master.>>

Well she seems quite happy. She must be happy that I am the winner of this fight.

As I said, Ciel released three of them. As they got released they immediately take there respective human forms.

"You Rimuru!!!!!! You did it!!!! You become one of us!!!!!! Now I am not the youngest one. My sworn brother." Veldora come towards me and throw his arms around my neck.

Jeez this guy, he never going to learn.

"Well that was a surprise, who could have thaught that Rimuru will be able to become one of us!" It was Velzard said as she came towards us. Behind her Velgrynd also coming.

"Well it was unexpected but now we have a new younger brother and he is well mannered too. Not unlike a certain someone." Velgrynd said as she give a side glare to Veldora.

And now he is hiding behind me. Give me a break.

I guess that's the way for them to show their love for them. And it seems Veldanava is reviving himself right now.

>>Hey Ciel does all the True Dragons can revive themselves like Veldanava or they will take some time like us primordials ?<<

<<No master every true dragon takes different amount of time to revive again after getting killed but Veldanava is a different case. The Voice Of The World recognise Veldanava as a creator, God. So if he somehow get killed then Voice Of The World will revive him instantly unless there is some misunderstanding like Veldanava said to us about his daughter's case or unless Veldanava wishes himself not to get revived. Because he is a God he can revive himself anytime he wants even if in only seconds.>>

>>Damn.. that's a pretty convenient ability he got there. And what are they saying about me being their sibling, is it true Ciel ?<<

<<No. Master is only releted to True Dragons by species like how all human's are same species but they all are not releted to each other like that.

They think that master is their sibling because now master have his own Dragon Factor and master is also belongs to True Dragon species.

But they are born naturally a natural phenomena and they also belongs to Veldanava's lineage the series of creation while on the other hand master is not belong to Veldanava's lineage master has his own lineage, the lineage of Void and master is belong to series of nothingness. So basically master is not their sibling and master is also superior to them in all aspects.>>

>>Well you don't have to say about superior thing, but now I understand a little better. Telling them that I am not their sibling is easy but explaining them all this lineage and series things will be hard. And one more question now,that I had evolved into True Dragon does that mean I am no longer a primordial demon.<<

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