Chapter 40: Laying Foundations: The First Step in Kingdom Building.

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"Rimuru POV:"

Well, things about Zegion are interesting, and he has become so strong in such a short amount of time.

It's all happening just as I thought it would be.

Now, it is time for me to start making my kingdom.

Hm... let's see, what do I need to do first? First thing, make Veldora disappear. Second, wait for almost ninety days, then meet goblins, make them my subordinates, and name them, and finally, go to Dwargon.

Well, this will do. So, first things first, and that is to make Veldora disappear.

As I am thinking about that, I entered the living room, and there he is reading his manga, and Charys is cleaning the room.

Charys is Ifrit, the fire spirit, that we brought here from Leon when we rescued Shizue.

Well, actually, after Veldora beat him and made him submit to us, we named him and made him our subordinate. Since then, he has been serving as Veldora's assistant, or you could say, as Veldora's caretaker.

He trains with Veldora from time to time, and because of that, he has become strong—strong enough to rival an awakened Demon Lord, if that Demon Lord doesn't have any ultimate skill.

Currently, he doesn't have any ultimate skill, and I don't think that in the future, he will be able to acquire an ultimate skill easily because right now, his soul and will are not strong enough to handle an ultimate skill.

So, currently, he only has a unique skill, and that is the unique skill [Inferno].

This skill gives him complete control over the Flame element and a few other abilities. His skill is like this:

Unique skill:
(1) Thought Acceleration: Raises thought-processing speed by a thousands of times.
(2) Multilayer Barrier: Multiple Ranged Barriers are linked with various resistances to create a Multilayer Barrier. It's a thin, colorless, invisible coating covering the body. It is a barrier consisting of several layers but still so thin that Magic Sense can only barely spot it.
It doesn't require much Magical Power to keep going. Once it is summoned, it barely consumes any at all. Even if it gets destroyed, the user can just recreate it instantly.
(3) Flame Domination: It allows the user complete control over Fire and Flame Elements.
(4) Flame Haki: It can be used in two ways:
*First - It allows the user to exert spiritual pressure over targets in the surrounding area, freezing their bodies in place and bending them to the user's will. This effect can be applied to the user's aura or just their words. The only way to overcome this without exerting Haki of one's own is through sheer willpower.
*Second - When normal Haki is being used, it is possible to convert the area under the Haki's range into flames, making the place a living burning hell with a temperature of more than 1000⁰C+. It is also possible to cover this Haki in weapons or body parts while fighting to make attacks more effective and deadly.

With this skill, he also knows some techniques from Veldora's "Veldora-Style Killing Arts," like Burning Bullet and Draconic Flare.

And right now, his race is called "Flame Lord," the evolved race of "Ifrit." Actually, Ifrit is not a name but a race, and all fire spirits are called Ifrit.

With all of this, his existence value is around 2.7 million. So, considering all of this and his skills (not unique and ultimate skills), I could say that he is as strong as an awakened Demon Lord without an ultimate skill.

(A.N. Right now, Charys is as strong as his canon self in LN Vol. 21 or slightly stronger than his canon self.)

Without an ultimate skill, if that Demon Lord possesses one, then they could defeat Charys. However, even with some difficulty, Charys could still be overcome. This is due to the universal law in this world stating that a unique skill holder cannot defeat an ultimate skill holder.

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