Chapter 44: Demons.

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"Rimuru POV:"

Right now, Ciel and I are heading towards our house to meet the old man. We are going to see him because we have some work for that good-for-nothing dragon.

"Hey, Bro!!" I called to Veldora as we entered our house.

Almost immediately, Veldora came towards us, his presence as imposing as ever.

"Hoho, so you've returned?" he said with an ear-to-ear grin. I can't tell if it is a statement or a question.

But then I noticed something unusual. Why is his hairs are blue?!!!

"What happened? Why is your hairs are all blue?" I asked, unable to understand what was going on in his empty head that made him do this bizarre change.

Veldora laughed heartily, clearly pleased with my question.

"Kuhahahaha!! About this—behold, now I have become a full-fledged Super Saiyan Blue! Hahaha!!" he announced, striking a pose and flexing his muscles as if he were a character straight out of a certain shonen anime.

I sighed, realizing once again how deep his otaku tendencies ran. He must have used some type of magic to turn the color of his hair blue as part of his obsession with one of his favorite series.

Damn, a true otaku through and through.

I'll just leave him as he is and won't question him anymore, or else his otaku disease might affect me.

"Hahaha, I see. Let's set that aside for now. I have some work for you," I told him, revealing the main reason behind our visit.

As we were talking, we sat down on the chairs in the living room, making ourselves comfortable. And by "we," I mean Ciel and me, because Veldora just made himself comfortable on the couch.

I glanced around and noticed that Charys's workload had increased significantly since we left. Without us around, Veldora had been making more messes for Charys to clean up, essentially turning him into a full-time caretaker and housekeeper. The evidence of Veldora's chaos is everywhere: scattered books and disorganized rooms. I feel somewhat bad for him.

"What?! But I have some things to do!" Veldora whined, clearly displeased at the prospect of doing work.

"Something to do, huh? I'm pretty sure it's reading manga or something related to what you're doing now," I said to him, narrowing my eyes.

"Well... eto..... um, no, you're wrong. It's not that. It's just... just, haaa! It's just that I want to learn some light magic. That's it. I am going to learn some light magic," he said. At first, it seemed like he was making an excuse, but in the end, he seemed rather convincing.

"Well, there's no need to worry because the work that I'm going to give you will help you learn magic," I told him. Now he's looking at me with half thankful and half arrogant eyes.

"Kuhahahahaha, I see, I see. If you insist that much, then I think I can help you for this once, because I am The Great Mighty Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! Kuhahahahaha!" he said, again showing his tsundere side while boasting about himself.

*Sigh* What a good-for-nothing, overpowered dragon!

"So tell me, what do I have to do?" Veldora questioned me after finishing boasting.

"Well, about that... nothing much. First, I will give you something that you have to give to Ramiris. Tell her it is a gift from me. Later on, from her, you can learn whatever type of magic you want," I told him, explaining the first task.

"I will do that, but what about me? Where is my gift?" he said, showing his childish side.

"I will give you something special when you complete both of the tasks that I am going to give you," I said to him.

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