Chapter 47: Dwargon's King.

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'Rimuru POV:'

"So, you are Gazel Dwargo, King of this nation, huh?" I remarked, observing the stout figure before me.

He possessed a very dwarf-like, tough-looking physique, with the stature of a human but cloaked in an armor of muscle that hinted at concealed strength beneath. His skin bore the characteristic tanned brown hue of his race, and his jet-black hair was slicked back with precision.

After Kaidou came to our room at the inn, informing us of the king's request for an audience, we agreed, recognizing the strategic value in meeting with him.

Guided by Kaidou, we ended up in Dwargon's castle. Inside a chamber, we found three people: the king himself, Gazel Dwargo, an old lady whose name I didn't know, and another dwarf with blond hair, whose name was also I don't know.

"I am Gazel Dwargo, the king of this nation. This man beside me is Dorf, our military officer, and the lady is Jaine, the Royal Court Magician. Please take a seat," Gazel introduced himself and the other people in the room, offering us seats.

Hmm... since they introduced themselves, should we introduce ourselves too? Is that necessary?

<<Yes, it is! It's called manners. How will you become a good father if you act like this?>>

While I was thinking, Ciel abruptly talked to me via our minds.

>>Does that mean you want a baby?<<

Hehe, let's tease her a little. Hehehe!


This is starting to become fun.

<<W.. what are you saying!!!!!>>

Hehe, it seems I hit a weak spot to poke! Let's see how much she can handle.

>>What did you say? I didn't quite hear you?<<


Hehehe, but I guess that's enough for now, or else I might end up sleeping outside.

>>Well, it's fine if you don't want to.<<

<<I... I never said I don't want to!!!>>


>>W... what are you saying!!<<

I asked her, flabbergasted.

<<I mean... maybe... you know....>>

>>That's enough for now! We will talk about this later!<<

<<Hoho, so are you backing down now, huh... And here I thought master wanted to become a father. What a disappointment. Sigh.>>

Didn't she just seem embarrassed a moment ago? How did her mood change so suddenly?


And what does she mean by 'what a disappointment'? Does she want a child?

>>Did you want a child? If you do, then I am fine with it.<<


<<We will talk about this later. For now, master should focus on this meeting!>>

And there she goes, into her silent mode with an embarrassed and red face. If you're going to get embarrassed like this, then why did you say something like that in the first place?

Well, but she is right. I should focus on the meeting first.

"Did something happen? Are you guys alright? Your partner's face seems red. Is she alright?" Gazel asked, noticing Ciel's embarrassed and flushed face.

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