Loosing Lando

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That night Charles locked his balcony door and swore he wouldn't use it till Max fucks off somewhere else, he could hear everyone downstairs having fun, but truth be told he didn't really care since max was down there. How much this boy hates Max was more than irrational, as kids their fights were bad, but over the years they just got worse, and Max didn't really kick off the trip right with his mentions of Alexandra. Imagine Charles had mentioned Kelly? he'd be walking away with a black eye.

Charles just sighed, sat on the floor next to his lonely mattress that was missing its frame, I mean it wasn't useless at least, but wasn't pretty. The guests were pretty limited on what to bring as the second email assured that they'd shop for brand new furniture. He heard a knock on his door as he scrambled to open it, "Who is it?"

He spoke with caution in case its max to give him punch, "Its Kimi, kiddo."

the door swung open, Leclerc was still sat on the floors since he had no where else to sit.

"You okay? you know max didn't really mean it." he sat beside him, both their heads resting on the wall the Monegasque shared with the Dutch.

"Well he did, and he was just getting on my nerves the whole time." Charles admitted, sliding down the wall so his chin rested on his own chest, he was practically laying on the cold floor, "and its bad because its true."

"Can you try get along? For Sebs sake? not max's, sebs taking the whole mum job so seriously im scared he'll come out with a cup of tea, dressing gown and a wig on for christ sakes." Kimi laughed, making the younger lad chuckle too.

"Hes always like that. But I can't promise you to get along, ill try."

Kimi smiled, rubbing the shoulder of him and standing up a little, "Get some sleep kiddo, I think we are going shopping tomorrow."

Then he left, closing the door behind him gently.


That next morning, was... chaos.

Daniel came marching down the stairs, sebastian and Kimis peaceful silence was suddenly evaporated as soon and dan spoke, "Yuki, Pierre and Charles aren't speaking to us!"

He whined, seb just sighed, "What do you mean us?"

"They said until Max apologises they are..." he began motioning with his hands in a gesture, zipping his mouth shut, locking it and throwing away the key.

"Well someone better unzip their gobs because im not being ignored by my very own kids." seb dramatically put a hand on his heart and stood tall, pretending he was in one of them cringy rom-coms, Daniel snickered with a mouthful of cereal as he added a third cup to the germans line of mugs for coffee.

The silent trio wandered downstairs, Charles gave seb a wave and he slammed his hands by his sides, giving Daniel a puzzled look, "You weren't joking too."

They started to talk among themselves but when seb attempted to join the three shut up, eating their bowls of coco pops Kimi brought, forgetting they are above the age of 20 and actually eat adult foods.

"How's salty Leclerc?" Max waltzed in, he looked as fresh as a daisy, showered, dressed and you wouldn't guess he got scolded the night before.

"Not talking, because of you." seb slid a cup of coffee Daniels way, then Kimi, now Max.

Max took it with a thanks as he sat opposite his rival , but seb wasn't satisfied, "Max apologise."

"and why?" he asked with a smirk but as he looked up at Charles, he was met with a glare.

"Because you started it and it backfired on everyone, we aren't choosing sides in this household." Kimi assured, raising his mug as he spoke but not taking his eyes of that god damn magazine.

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