April fools!

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That night after everyone got back they all dozed off on the sofas in the living room, except Max and Charles. And Logan and Oscar.

The four were watching a movie and Charles started crying hysterically after being jumpscared by a horror movie. Oscar soon followed and Logan and Max shared a disappointed look.

"Its not real!" Max laughed a whisper in the monegasge's ear. But he just curled further into his side, shaking his head scared.

"Oscar come on!" logan laughed from the beanbag, looking at the Aussie who was on the sofa, no one seemed to have seen them kiss at the waterpark, so their relationship was still on the down-low.

Too make it worse the old grandfather clock in the corner chimed midnight and Charles almost screamed, the dutchman had to cover his mouth to not wake everyone up.

"Shush!!" Logan breathed a laugh.

Max looked at the time on his phone with the hand he wasnt soothing charles with, the lockscreen gleamed and the date read 1st of April.

"Guys its april 1st." he said with a smile, the other three awake looked at him with a frown.

"Whats special about that?" Oscar asked, eyes peeking through the gaps of his fingers as another jumpscare popped up on telly. leaving both him and Charles startled.

Max quickly paused the film, "Its april fools!"

They all shared the same look, then smiled.

"You are so gonna wake everyone up!" Oscar whispered to Logan as he held superglue in his hand, "Dont knock me either ill be superglued to the celling!"

Oscar had an idea he called brilliant, but knew Seb would go mad. Like overly mad. He got out every tube of superglue they had, and glued the whole dining table to the ceiling.

"How are you getting that table up there?" logan laughed, the chairs were already stuck down, not moving an inch.

"I- actually dont know." he giggled from the step ladder, "How am i?"

Charles and Max walked in, Charles dropped the packet of balloons and Max just burst out laughing.

"We said harmless pranks! not supergluing Sebs furniture to the roof!" Charles' jaw was on the floor and logan just laughed, Osvar froze in place with glue in his hand.

"Too late now." he laughed, "We're rich we'll figure it out."

"Help us get the dinning table up there!" Logan exclaimed enthusiastically, Max and a charles shared a look, then shrugged.


Nevertheless Max and Charles after they successfully made the entire dining room upside down, they continued to cover the house in pranks, putting two balloons behind sebs bedroom door with a pin aiming at it. They almost popped one in the making, but merely missed the latex.

Charles found a tub of leftover red paint from his bedroom, he sneakily snook it into the shower head of Carlos' and Landos shower. Who knows who'd end up in there, but he knew whoever did was coming out red.

And Max found some silly string in Daniels room, covering the aussies entire floor, roof and bed head to toe in it.

After Oscar and Logans tourture to seb already, they decided that wasn't enough, putting party poppers against the door of George and Lewis. Then put a dozen fake spiders in their beds too, the tiny creatures looking fairly realistic.

The rest of the pranks were a secret, but the one that was the worst, was the dining room.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK!" Seb screamed and everyone in the living room was startled awake, Kimi immediately ran into the dining room, his jaw dropping wide open the second he wandered in, slamming the light on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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