Clifftop Costal Walks - Part 1

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"Hurry up guys Roscoe is waiting!" lewis yelled as the children came running downstairs like soldiers, Lando was at the very front, crouching down to pet the pub. Lewis rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Hold on ive lost my phone!" Charles yelled and Carlos snickered.

"Why are you always loosing things!" he cackled while watching the monegasque frantically rush around the room, darting for sofas and tables like the flash.

"You got lost in a hurricane! Shush!"

They were all taking Roscoe for a walk across the clifftops. He hadn't been here long since his shocking arrival, so they thought they'd take him for a little adventure around without Seb and Kimi. They needed their alone time anyway, you know, being engaged and all. However with this masterplan of giving them their own time, the two parents didnt have a clue about it.

"Quick they are coming back in!" George yelled, looking at the back door where the German and fin were approaching to the glass.

All of them rushed out of the door, Max grabbed Charles arm as he was looking over the sofas, dragging him out of the doorway too.


"Dont go too near the cliffs! You know if anyone dies its on Fernando!" Lewis yelled to everyone as  they all arrived, the clifftops were more than just a plain place of land, it was a forest that had a eerie atmosphere to it. Parts of it lead out into the open and others were like a maze. Charles loved it because  it seemed 'magical' but everyone else said it was just spooky.

 Nando's jaw dropped almost in shock as lewis giggled to his comment, tying Roscoes leash on.

"What! Your fault too!" he protested and the brit shook his head in his defence.

"Your olderrr!"

Everyone sort of split up, Max and Charles found a creepy set of stairs they didnt know where it lead to, Carlos and Lando swore they'd stay with Lewis but the second his back was turned, the pair ran off to the edge further up, past the trees and bushes and into the open. Everyone else actually listened and stuck together.


"Im going to get a branch in my eye!" Charles laughed as he moved past an overhanging vine above the staircase, Max was close behind and careful on his feet as he leant over the Monegasques shoulder, moving an upcoming branch for him.

"Oh no not your beautiful green eyes." He snickered, Charles looked up at him with a smile before continuing to walk.

They were nearing the exit to the steps, daylight was actually becoming visible as they carried on walking downwards. Soon, they were met with the sun clouds and sky, almost blinding their eyes as they adjusted to the gleam.

"Are we in like a huge crater?" Charles frowned, running out to see the steps were a way down into a massive sinkhole like area. It was pretty deep, trees covered the floor of it and a pathway weaved its way through, a building like place peering over a tree or two in the distance.

"Ive never seen this what the hell?" Max looked around, but before he could get a proper good look, Charles grabbed his hand and pulled him down the meandering path, "Charles what if we get lost!"

"I just want to see what that building is!" he smiled, "Come on Max! Its not even far."

"If we get lost, its not my fault."



"Christ its windy up here, Lando I think we should've stayed in the forest bit with everyone else." Carlos breathed, trying to move his hair out of his face but it just kept falling back across his eyes over and over again.

"Are you kidding Carlos? This is like the type of place people get married its so pretty!" Lando exclaimed, spinning in the breeze, Carlos tried his hardest to not smile at him as he spun, that smirk practically fighting its way onto his lips. Lando stopped and realised what he said, "Oh my god! Kimi and Seb could get married up here!"

"You might as well plan their whole wedding!" He laughed under his breath, the cold wind making him shiver.

"I think id do really well." the brit snickered, running over to the spaniard and pushing him over to the edge of the cliff, he stopped in his tracks right in front of the peak.

"Your gonna push me off in a minute!" he exclaimed, stepping back onto landos foot accidentally, the two falling over onto the grass in a massive fit of giggles.

"What was that for?" Lando laughed, his body underneath his boyfriends. he was like trapped beneath him.

"I didnt mean to!" Carlos giggled, rolling over and ending up face to face with Lando on the ground. His long hair brushed against the brits face as the two stared at each other from the floor. Lando felt his cheeks burning up as their noses practically brushed against each other.

Carlos grinned a toothy face as his boyfriend's face was  bright red, "Why are you so red? Am I that good looking?"

Lando hands covered his own face, trying to hide his blushing cheeks, "Shut up!" he laughed.

The spaniard gently moved his hands away from his face, carefully pacing them against the grass and crashed his lips down on his boyfriend.


The rest of the group were wandering around the nature, it had even awhile since they all done something together. George was cuddled under Lewis' arm, also with the older brits jacket handing over his shoulders since he had been whining about being cold ever since they arrived.

Oscar and Logan were walking separately, making eye contact from across the forrest. They didnt want anyone to know what happened that night of the proposal. so they were just friends with everyone else, and something more than just mates in private.

Daniel was running around, throwing Roscoe a ball to fetch. Lewis kept a close eye as they got a bit too lose to the edge, "Daniel your really close to the cliff!"

he knew Roscoe was smart, he knew that he wouldn't walk straight off a cliff. But everyone knew Daniel was clumsy.

"Ill be fine!" he exclaimed, running away from the edge, picking up the ball again.

The Aussie reared his hand back, launching the ball and sending it flying. Right into a bush on the cliff edge.

"Well done Daniel!" Lewis laughed, the bush was practically hanging over the ledge, and the ball was right in the centre of it. Daniel pouted at the ball as Roscoe whined.

"I can get it though!" He exclaimed, Lewis's smiley face turned blank and pale as the Australian ran over to it. 

"No you are not!" the brit yelled, apologising to George as he took his arm back, running down the path to try grab Daniels hand, "If you fall off-"

But Daniel was already pushing past thorns, bristles and branches.Lewis missed his hand by an inch or two before he was practically in the centre of it. He picked up the ball, holding it up in all its glory before realising something, he was stuck.

Lewis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and George came running up behind him, snickering, "How you gonna get out of there now Danny?"

"um." he froze, looking around to see, the way he got in was somehow covered in thorns and if he dare even try walk through them, he'd get covered in a million cuts. And we all know the saying death by a thousand paper cuts.

He stepped back and attempted to look that way, but the tangle the branches had on his foot just made him get caught. He tripped, his foot slipping through a gap down the ledge.

"DANIEL!" Everyone screamed.


I had to update for two reasons, 10k? Omfg I cannot believe it! Thank you so much! And also, because  LEWIS HAMILTION TO FERRARI? HELLO? WHAT? I NEED EVERYONES THOUGHTS ON THIS ASAP!!!

As always, have a good day guys, vote, comment and follow?❤️🔔

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