Waterparks !!

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"Wakey wakey!!" Seb bashed two pans together from downstairs when no one came down for breakfast, Kimi gave him a death glare but when he banged them together for a second time, the fin started to laugh.

"Seb shut up!" Max screamed down the stairs, that night before Kimi and Seb had the fantastic idea to get out the house, it had felt like ages since they all went somewhere without something drastic happening, so they chose the one thing they could book out and everyone would love. A waterpark.

"I told you to get up at 7!" He shouted back, but eventually a gaggle of children came walking downstairs.

"My head hurts." Charles walked into the kitchen, Max directly behind.

"Not sleep well?" Seb asked, handing both Max's and Charles' coffees to the dutchman, who gave a polite thankyou.

"He-." he pointed at his boyfriend, "-kept saying 'just one more game!' of pool every time we finished playing." Charles yawned and he hit his head onto the table with a bang, covering any inch visible of his face with his arms.

"not my fault, it was a fun game." Max snickered, sliding the cup closer to the brunette.

" I don't want coffee, I want to sleep fuck off Max."

Max rolled his eyes, grabbing his boyfriend like he was a feather and pulled him onto his knee, where he curled into him, placing his head between the crook of Max's neck.

Seb just laughed at cranky Charles, he's always moody when he don't get lie ins, and everyone in the house knew that by now. Too bad his boyfriend is an early bird.

Kimi secretly snapped a picture of the two cuddling at the dinner table over his newspaper, getting an eye roll off his fiance.

Then came in Logan and Oscar, they were more awake than ever, "Ahhh Seb get him away hes tryna hug me with wet hair!"

Oscar ran in hiding behind seb whos arms were now pinned to his own sides as he laughed. Logan walked in, soaked in water.

"What on earth!" the german laughed, wriggling oug of the aussies grip and pushing him into his best friend.

"Ew go dry off your drenched!" oscar yelled, his side now wet from where logans top soaked him.

"Can everyone shut up im so tiredd!" Yuki screamed down the stairs, Peirres faint laughs following along with Alex and Fernando who were making their way out of the basement. Carlos and Lando werent down yet, and neither were George and Lewis.

"What are we even doing up so early!" Nando yawned, hitting his shoulder into lance as he walked by. The canadian just gave a playful scowl before shoving him into the side of the island, "Owch!"

"We have plans." Seb spoke, quickly going through bowls and bowls of cereal, he'd add milk to each one and Kimi would pass it along the table, it seemed to work pretty efficiently.

"Yeah what plansss!" Oscar laughed, still inching awya from the american who was shaking his hair like a wet dog.

"I want to wait for everyone !" he smiled up at everyone already there, no one seemed to even acknowledge the fact Charles and Max were cuddling and that Logan practically made a puddle on the wooden table.

"Logan if that makes my funiture go bad youll be walking to Ikea, getting a new one and dragging it back." Seb peered over at him, Logan then git up with a sigh, yanking a beach towel out of their downstairs bathroom and hauled it over his head.

"Better?" he asked, the german nodded with a snicker.

Eventually Lewis and George finally came downstairs, accompanied by Roscoe who panted his way inti the kitchen, heading for the food Seb lays out every morning.

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