Hiding Kimi

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"Charles its almost 11 I wanna go get breakfast!" Max whined, with Charles attached to his side on his bed, he couldn't bare to be apart from him for another minute.

"I like my lie ins!" Charles just snuggled more into the dutchman, who rolled his eyes.

"You've been saying that for 2 hours." he sighed.

"Fine!" he groaned, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes, max giggled a little at how his hair stayed, he'd been laying there so long it was stuck in that position. Charles frowned, "What?"

"Nothing." he smiled, fixing his hair and making Charles blush like crazy, "Come on."

He leapt up, offering the monegasque his hand to help him up, he groaned but look it gratefully. He didn't let go until they reached downstairs.

"Its sleeping beauty and her prince!" Daniel exclaimed from the table, everyone but Kimi and seb frowned.

Then Daniel realised his mistake, quickly adding, "Justjoking, who wants coffee?"

Lando jumped up, "I do!"

Carlos rolled his eyes, he had huge eyebags under his eyes so he clearly didn't sleep well, "That's your 6th this morning, sit down." he grabbed his boyfriends shoulder and pushing him back down onto his seat.

"What's everyones plans today?" Seb asked, staring at his phone before looking up at everyone, who seemed clueless.

"No idea." Logan snickered, everyone nodded as if to say the same.

"Oi I thought were going out?" Oscar perked up, sipping the coffee Daniel made.

"where though?" he asked, Oscar frowned and shrugged.

Seb shook his head, "Well whatever you guys are doing have fun, im sleeping all day."

he left the room and kimi was suddenly looking a little nervous.

"Whatever any of you are doing, you're not anymore." he said, moving from his armchair to the head of the table, looking everyone in the eye.

Everybody looked a little frightened.

"What's going on kimi?" Lewis asked, a frown on his face and the fin sighed.

He didnt reply for a second. Closing the dining room door, which never gets closed.

"we are going shopping, but I need you to keep seb as far away from me as possible. Okay?" he scanned the table, everyone gave eachother a look. Then George said what they were all thinking for them.


"Shut up I hear him coming!"


One by one they all got in the vans, just like they always did, and some reason, the people in each van never changed. And still to this day, Kimi checked he always had Lando.

"Kimi why do we have to keep seb away?" George asked again, playing with a hair bobble that was pinged at him.

"Anniversary present." was all he said and lewis smiled.

"What's that 5 years?" he giggled a little, lewis was the first to hear about them, well he was the only one who suspected it.

"6 actually." he corrected, the brit looked a little taken aback.

"6 years! Christ!"

They arrived and Kimi looked too giddy for everyone to ignore, "Right, we all have that tracker app anyway, but who's gonna mainly be with seb?"

No one answered, so Lewis did, "Probably me,"

George tilted his head, nodding, knowing he'd be there too if lewis was.

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