Wake up

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Charles sat on the window seat near the pool table, he hadn't slept in days. everything was on his mind, how seb wasn't acting himself: how everyone was heavily depressed or something: how he hadn't seen anyone even leave their rooms once and how it was his dads birthday.

He felt tears come to his eyes, "Fuck." he mumbled, why did everything have to get ruined? why couldn't they all be happy? he thought.

Usually they'd all do something, have a bog movie night and it all be okay, but with seb hardly waking up before 1 nowadays and takeaways every night. it was difficult to get even half of them in the same room.

Kimi slowly climbed up the stairs, he looked sleep deprived, "You okay Charles?"

He nodded, looking back out the window, "Fine."

the fin walked over, sitting down in front of him, "Why are you drinking straight vodka at 7 am?"

Charles sighed, passing Kimi back his bottle, where he placed it on a side table.

He looked down, before speaking, "It would have been my dads birthday today."

Kim's heart dropped, this poor boy was sat in the most depressive house in Monte Carlo, drinking at 7am and staring out a window for his late dads birthday.

"You wanna do something for it? can be just us two if you want?' Kimi smiled, Charles nodded, wiping away his tears.

"I would've liked everyone to help me get my mind off it but no one will get out of their rooms." he smiled, eyes glossy till he blinked for awhile, tears falling.

Kimi opened his arms, offering Charles a hug which he took gratefully, sinking into the arms of the fin, "I dont know what's happened Charles, but we'll figure it out."

They stayed like that for a few moments, Charles embraced in his arms, who rubbed circles across his back.

"Have you slept at all? usually you like a lie in." Kimi smiled, looking down at the monegasque practically lied on him.

"No, not for like 2 days." he sighed, "I cant, I don't know why."

Kimi wasn't going to ask why, he wasn't like Seb, forcing things put off them constantly, "Well what do you want to do today? It's up to you."

"I don't know." he wanted to cry again, but didn't let himself, not while hugging someone because  he knew he wouldn't stop.

"Ill let you think, have you spoke to Max at all?" he asked.

That got Charles heart racing, still hearing his name made him get butterflies, "No, I dont know if i want to."

Kimi's hand moved from his back to his hair, making a tear slip through Charles eye no matter how hard he fought it not to, it reminded him of max.

"You do, you're just scared."  

"Arent we all? We are all just rotting away here." Charles shuddered, even the house itself was cold even though it felt warm to touch.

"Charles?" kimi whispered, "I think I know what to do today."

"what?" he looked up at the blond.

"Wake everyone the hell up," he began, "Get their lazy arses out of their rooms and do something."

Charles sat up a bit, slight smile on his face, "do what though? we've done almost everything you can do in covid"

"I saw a theme park not far from here."

Charles smiled a huge grin, but it faded after realising something, "Won't it be closed?"

"We are rich Charles, we can buy anything."


"Daniel!" Charles barged in the room of only person who was loud enough to get the whole house up, his only other resort was to setting the fire alarm off.

"What Charles?" he groaned, covering his eyes with the duvet, but Charles grabbed the cover and yanked it off the bed.

"Get up! I need your help!" he begged, shaking the arm of the alpha tauri driver.

"Its 7am!" he yelled, sitting up.

"Number one, you've been in bed for two days, number two, your up now!' he shouted, but Daniel just rolled his eyes, turning to dangle his feet of the bed.

"What then?" he scoffed, rubbing his eyes.

"We are going to a theme park and I need everyone off their depressed asses!" he exclaimed, hoping he's woke some people up.

"You are not fooling me with that one, its covid you idiot." Daniel smiled, laughing but Charles shook his head.

"kimi bought his way into one!"

Daniel smiled, mouth wide open in shock, "Really?"

"Come see yourself." he dragged him off his bed, pulling him downstairs to show him.

"Kimi he doesn't believe mee!"


Soon after Daniel and Charles were banging on peoples doors, dragging everyone up and after some time everyone was up and out of bed, but Charles noticed one person was missing from their living room reunion, "where's max?'

"I thought you would wake him up?" Daniel spoke, Kimi in the corner gave Dan a look as if to say that wasn't a good idea, but Charles really thought about it.

"Ill go, " he smiled, motioning for Daniel to go get lando back into his crazy gear because  then everyone is forced to be happy.

he slowly approached max's door, realising this was a big mistake, but he did it anyway, "Max?"

He tapped on the door, it opened to reveal a very messy looking Max Verstappen.

"Wha-" he went to speak, but the shock of it being Charles at his door made him freeze up.

Charles sighed shakily, "Come downstairs, like right now.'


"Dont care, get downstairs."

Max walked out of his room, Charles shut the door behind him, he couldn't tell if it was awkwardness between them or tension. Either one, he hated.


Lets just say Lando lifted the mood, shooed everyone into the vans and got everyone talking again, "Carlos I wanna sit at the back!" he whined, trying to pull Carlos into the back seat.

"But I wanna sit at the front!" he smiled at his boyfriend tugging his arm, who gave in and sat at the front.

"Kimi how come you bought your way into a theme park? I haven't been to an adult one in years!" Pierre exclaimed, kimi made a motion with his hands, rubbing his thumb against his fingers as if to say money.

"All of us combined equals like trillions!" Yuki laughed, "How do you think be bought it!"

Charles turned to Kimi in the very front of the van, "Thank you Kimi.'

"Its okay son." he smiled before realising what he said, "Shit I-"

"Its okay, he wouldn't mind." he looked out of the window, a grin on his face, "I think he'd laugh at how I found someone to cover him for a bit."

Kimi half smiled, glancing over at the monegasque, "So son is okay?'



More filler chaps

Little Kimi and Charles moment🥹 

anyone we wanna see more of before I finish it off?

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