Fuck Parties

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Let's just say Seb wasn't very happy with how many of them were drunk and hungover the next day so it took a few days of persuasion to get him to take them clubbing, but eventually, he accepted.

"Carlosss!" Lando whined, he and carlos had decided to share a room, they chose the ensuit room because they seemed to prefer landos room anyway, "Hurry up i wanna get going everyone is ready."

"There is no way charles beat me getting ready?" Carlos looked shocked, quickly combing his hair.

"Well he has! he's in the taxi hurry up!" so he did, speeding to grab his wallet and slipping his shoes on, about to leave, "do your shoelace."

"Since when did you notice that?" he smiled to the brit who shrugged, shooing him out the door once his lace was secure.


It was only 20 minutes into clubbing and people were already pissed, Charles wasn't though, he was more 'tipsy', and like always, Max had only touched cokes or lemonades.

"Max play pool with me I bet ill win!" Charles shouted over the music, he didn't care what he was doing but no one could blame him, the last club they even stepped foot in was Abu Dhabi.

"You won't your drunk!" Max laughed, holding the monegasques two shoulders to stop him swaying.

"I beat you..." He started counting the days, "11 days ago!"

"12 actually!" he corrected, "Can't we go dance?"

"Dance?" Charles frowned, the dutchman rolled his eyes.

"Not like that silly!" He grabbed his hand, "Its a club."

He pulled him onto the dance floor, Wild ones by Flo rida was blasting through the speakers louder than their eardrums could handle but no one cared, "Maxxx I wanna play pool!"

"Dont care, dance with me." he leaned into Charles ear, whispering as he grabbed him by the waist, swaying his hips to the sound of the music.

The flashing lights made it hard for either of them to see each other but the main thing that stuck out was max's eyes, glistening as he locked hands with him, "Come on Charles, just let yourself go!"

He couldn't help but laugh as he started moving his feet to the beat, "I cant dance!"

"sure you can!" Max lifted his hand over his head spinning him and when he came back around to face him he pulled him closer, their body basically attaching.

Something in Charles thoughts said fuck it, dangled his arms around the neck of the dutchman, copying his dance rhythm and just closed his eyes. He leant into his ear, "Do you not care if someone sees us?"

"They can all fuck off!" he exclaimed back, Charles smile was so bright a city could shine off its radiant.

Across the dance floor Carlos was too busy trying to pry Lando hands off him, "Lando, if someone sees us we are dead."

"Can't hear youuu!" he let go of his boyfriend, holding his hands in the air and dancing, "What I cant even dance with my boyfriend?"

"You are so drunk!' He laughed, attempting to grab his lovers hand but he ended up being pulled into the crowd of dancing bodies, alcohol radiating of them.

"My god you muppet, just dance with me!" lando sighed, squeezing Carlos' hand so hard he couldn't leave if he tried, "Even Max and Charles are dancing and you won't dance with me!"

"You what?!" Carlos exclaimed, glancing over at the dutchman and monegasque, but lando had other plans, moving his head back to look down at him he reached up on his tip toes and kissed him.

"That's their life! This is ours!" he exclaimed, kissing him again but deeper, almost making the pair fall over.

Charles and Max decided to have a break, so max headed out side for a breath of fresh air while Charles went to the bathroom, a girl hanging in the corner watching him, "Your girl leave you be?"

she had a cigarette in her mouth, quickly blowing out the smoke and tossing it away, Max gave a judgemental look, "No? Here with friends."

"Bet that's rough in covid," her voice was slurred, she had curly hair, low waisted mint cargos and a white corset top on, she settled down next to Max on the curb, "No girls in the house?"

"Its fine, actually." max smiled then scoffed, but the girl kept pushing it and pushing it.

"Ive seen you somewhere.." she sighed, but Max's eyes locked with a white car rolling into the car park. He recognised it, and it was like the day of the pool party all over again.

He was right, his dad leapt out of the car .

He needed to get up and leave, lock him self in the bathroom or something but this maniac girl had her hands all over him. shit shit shit. that was the only word running through his mind. He needed some sort of way to hide himself, so he did something he knew he'd regret forever.

He turned to the girl next to him and kissed her, pulling her in front of him so his dad didn't see him.

But in that moment Charles came out of the bathroom, a fairly large man barged past him in the exit door, "what the fuck!" he shouted at the man but he ignored Charles, making his eyes roll.

He pushed through the exit door, but what he was met with made his heart drop, "Max..?"

He'd just walked in on Max and some random girl kissing outside, frozen to the bone, he didn't move, but Max's mouth opened to speak but he was still basically in the hands of some woman, "Charles? shit! Charles!" he shouted, shoving her off him but the monegasque was far out the door.

He dashed down the hall, trying to catch up to Charles, who's eyes were full of tears already, yeah he was drunk, but it was impossible to be drunk enough to forget that.

"Charles wait!" but he was long gone, Max grasped his hair, wanting to pull it out. His heart was racing, what could he do?

"Fuck!" he shouted over the music, tears flooding his eyes when he realised how much of a dick move that was.

and to add to his miseries some prick came up behind him, "Was you kissing my girlfriend out there?"

Max turned, the man was young and looked like a proper pub lad, like he was practically born in a club, "What?" he shouted, rage already surging through him head to toe, he was shocked that girl even had a boyfriend.

"Was it?" he asked again, irritating max and igniting his already short fuse.

"Fuck off!" he yelled over his shoulder, the younger boy attempted to swing at him but his friends pulled him back, Max grabbed a shot off a waitress' board, slamming the glass on the floor making it shatter everywhere: uppercutting the bloke.

"MAX!" seb yelled, pushing the table he was sat at out in front of him, running straight over and attempting to grab max off the boyfriend but he already had his hands off him.

"I know seb! Im leaving!" he shouted, hands in the hair and stepping back a little, before shoving the man into the side of the bar. Making him cry out in pain.

He slammed the door behind him but seb was too close and caught up quick enough, "Max what the fuck was that?"


Have to put this one into two parts aha, thank you for all the love ❤️

Have a good day/night everyone!!!

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