Smart Seb

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"Charles, Charles wake up."

Charles dramatically woke up, squeezing his eyes together to help him see right, "Im awake!"

"I found the photo." Max put the laptop on the floor, turning to look at the monegasque besides him.

"Yeah why dont you sound happy?" he smiled, finally looking somewhat alive, but when he saw Max's face and tear filled eyes, his own smile vanished, fast, "Who was it?"

"I..." he couldn't say it, he just passed Charles the laptop to look for himself.

He squinted at the screen, looking in the mirror Max was talking about. Jos. His eyes were met with Jos.

"Your dad!?" Charles shouted, loud enough to wake the whole neighbourhood, "What the fuck!"

He was stood up now, laptop abandoned and hands shaking. Everything made sense, how Jos knew where the house was, why he stormed in and left without much of a fight, but why would he leak them?

Seb was awake now after hearing Charles scream, swinging the door open, "Its almost am what are you screeching about?"

His tone immediately dropped when he saw Max on the ground, tears in his eyes and biting his nails, Charles tweaking like a maniac on drugs and a hole in the wall, a shattered phone and a photo of him and Kimi hand in hand on a laptop. he would have fainted if his anxiety let him.

He closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, "Where did you find that photo?"

Max didn't reply, or move, so Charles did, "Twitter."

"Okay, and why is there a hole in my wall?" 

Charles took a deep breath, about to explain everything that happened, but Max beat him to it in  the simplest way possible, "We found out who was taking photos of us."

"I thought we thought it was just normal paparazzi?" Seb frowned, he was obviously tired, but no where near as dreadful looking as max, eye bags were practically weighing his eyes down.

"Well it wasn't." he sighed shakily, going to grab the laptop, but deciding against it, "It was my dad."



At that very early time of 5:30 am everyone was hauled downstairs after finding out, surprisingly the only person who was nodding off every 2 seconds was Lando.

"Max why would you dad out us? or do that to you?" Carlos asked, leaning half his body over the table as seb passed around coffee.

"because hes a self centred prick and if he doesn't get his way he'll abuse you till he does." Max was tapping his fingers on the table repeatedly, trying to take his mind off it, "And hes really homophobic I can't lie."

"What are we gonna do?" Charles asked, head leaning on his hand as he sat opposite max, "Or what can we do?"

Lewis spoke up first, "Nothing really, the whole world knows somethings going on with Carlos and lando," they winced at that, "that somethings going on with Kimi and seb, and maybe Logan and Oscar."

"That one isn't true." Oscar sucked his inner cheek, "It only looks like we were hugging. which was all we technically doing"

"Still, people nowadays take a look for something weird." George said.

"Its only a matter of time before all our PR's call us and send us home." 

Everyone was quiet after that, Seb was desperately trying to think of a way to fix it, ideas speeding through his mind, "I have an idea."

"What?" everyone spoke, a little more hope in their voices, smart seb to the rescue yet again.

"We say they are edited? Jos won't admit he took them because  he looks bad enough on the Internet for all he's done." seb suggested, Charles looked over at everyone, a little smile on his face, but Max went and ruined it.

"But every photo that's edited needs a photo that they started with?" Max looked hopeless now, looking down at the table before Seb scoffed.

"We go take the photos you idiot, then get the FIA to post the real pics, they have to believe the FIA."

George frowned, "Wait most photos were in a hurricane?"

"Look outside." It was still pouring it down, dark because  the sun hadn't risen and wind from the coast, anyone would guess it was a hurricane.

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that was a good idea.

So that's what they did, got in the outfits they were wearing and took the photos, starting with Lando and Carlos, "Its freezing oh my god!" Lando yelled, a laugh on his face as they found the exact road, it gave the pair a wash of deja vu.

They snapped the pic, it made it look like they were having a normal conversation.

Then Max and Charles, they decided to just make it like they were sat on the balcony, Charles perfectly fine and not, holding max's hand which surprisingly most people in the house didn't notice from the original.

"How did Jos even take this photo you can hardly see past the stupid trees!" Seb shouted to Lando who was helping him take the balcony photo.

"Dont remind me."

the second IKEA opened they were all outside, laughing at how soaked they all were just trying to foul millions of people on the internet, the sun was slowly rising and Seb was debating re taking their photo.

"Guys." Seb mumbled to them all, some stood in the rain and others sat in the back of the vans boot with the door open, "Should we re take this one or not?"

Daniels eyes widened, "Up to you but if you dont is that technically you guys telling the world together? You and Kimi Raikkonen out to the whole of twitter?"

"Well, its not the end of the world, Logan and Oscar kept there's and.. someone might spot Jos too." Seb spoke quite fast, his boyfriend just smiling at him.

"I think its a good idea." Kimi shrugged with a blank expression when everyone looked at him, walking to the front of the truck a massive grin creeped on his face.

"Are you sure seb?" Lando asked, "The fans dont have to know your life."

Seb smiled at the brit, knowing that was what he told him when he needed advise, "Im sure, plus, if someone does see Jos, its his fault for leaking his own sick face."

"Hes not wrong there." Checo laughed with lance who were in a little group with Max and Fernando.

"Come on guys lets go send these pics."


Filler chaps before I get some ideas ☹️

Have a good day/night everyone! Reminder to vote, comment n follow🔔❤️

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