F1 races? No F1 8 Ball Pool

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"Kimi what the hell have you bought?" seb yelled, a truck was outside with people bring things inside, Kimi stood by the door with the most guilty but smug look ever.

"The landing looked a bit... plain." he smiled, seb however was not happy. Everyone was getting shoved into the living room so these people could bring a huge box inside.

"Kimi." he said harshly, "What. The. Hell. Have you bought?!"

"Chill out, you'll like it," he replied, folding his arms in the march breeze, "everyone will like it."

"You said that about the house and that couldn't have gone worse." Seb looked his boyfriend dead in the eye, who scoffed.

"how's it gone bad? You basically came out to the whole world, Carlos and lando are talking or something and... I bought a pool table!"

"A pool table!?"


After the people who brought the table in left, Seb dashed up the stairs to the top floor, Kimi followed up but a little slower so seb couldn't reach him if the table looked horrendous, but to the germans surprise, it looked cool. Pool cues were stored in an cabinet under the window that had seating lining the rim of it, two benches were either side and the table its self was, rather pretty.

"You like?" Kimi smiled, walking around the new piece of entertainment they had, seb gave it a look of judgement then went blank when looking at his boyfriend.

"Its nice, just why did I have no say in it?" he asked, the other man rolled his eyes, wandering over to claim the hands of his boyfriend.

"Maybe because  you'd say no?" he kissed his forehead, "Children!"

They all ran upstairs, looking at what Kimi bought.

"A pool table?" Nando smiled, "Kimi do you even know dow to play pool?"

"I do actually!"

Carlos and Charles fought their way upstairs and when they saw the table in the middle of the landing they screamed in unison, "Who bought a pool table!"

Everyone pointed to Kimi, who looked pretty chuffed with his purchase.

"Can we do two teams!" Charles begged, as well as Carlos.

"See?" Kimi pointed to the two, "Im on Carlos' team I know hes better!"

"What!" Charles yelled, motioning for Peirre and Yuki to at least be on his team which they did.

Carlos' team had Kimi, Fernando, Max, Checo, Logan, Lance, Daniel and George.

Charles' team had Seb, Lando, Peirre, Yuki, Oscar, Lewis and Alex.

Fist to play was Lando and Carlos, it was going fine for Charles team as Carlos kept missing the ball by an inch, "Come on Carlos! just 'cuz its your boyfriend doesn't mean we loose!"

Carlos looked behind him, giving his team a scowl before finally knocking a striped ball in, "See? not throwing the game away for my boyfriend."

"I still have 5 solid balls in already Carlos." Lando smiled at him from over the table, throwing him off with his puppy eyes.

"No fair of course that's gonna throw him off!" Kimi yelled with a big smile and the whole of Charles team snickered.

"No fair cariño."Carlos smiled and lando covered his face with his arms, blushing at the nickname.

"Come on lando you can't be that fragile!" Oscar joked, thwacking his teammate on the arm who was laughing while bright red.

"He knows my weak spots!"

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