The perfect plan

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"WHAT?" Everyone screamed, Kimis face was a pale white.

"Did seb see?" He asked, panicked.

"No!" Lewis smiled, standing up, "Are you really?"

It all went quiet for a moment, not a peep even from lando as they sat with anticipation.

"Okay I am proposing to seb!"

The whole van screamed, Kimi couldn't wipe the grin off his face or get the blush to leave.

"Oh my god!" Lando shouted, tears in his eyes, "No way Kimi!"

There wasn't a single person in that van who didn't have a smile on their face, or wasn't screaming for a matter of fact. well kimi wasn't, but inside he 100 percent was.

"None of you snitch or you get put on the streets!" he warned, eyes wide with sternness and they all nodded, oh how that other van must've been so boring right now.

When they got back Sebs group looked at everyone being all giddy with judgemental looks, especially Seb, "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Kimi shouted, scoffing.

Lando watched Kimi walk into the house, covering up their excitement, "Just something funny!"

"Okay then.." he smiled, getting bags out of the car and handing them out one by one.

Charles immediately found Max and dragged him upstairs, pushing him into his room, max frowned, "What happened in that van?"

Charles couldn't speak without squealing, it was go difficult to not scream it at the top of his lungs. he whispered, "If I tell you, you promise to not tell anyone else in your van?"

"Promise." he whispered back.

"Also promise not to scream?"


The monegasque took a deep breath, speaking as quietly as he could, so even if seb had his ear to the wall he wouldn't hear, "Kimis proposing to Seb!"

Max was stunned, looking directly at Charles without blinking once, "No way!"

Charles slammed his hand across Max's mouth, accidentally pushing him into the wall doing so but Max didn't care, he was still staring into Charles eyes before he looked at the door. someone spoke.

"You two okay?" it was seb.

"Fine!" Charles shouted back, hand still across the dutchmans mouth and now leaning on him, "Accidentally knocked a glass over!"

They heard the German leave and he looked back at Max, muttering, "Im being serious, you better not ruin it I swear-"

Max moved Charles hand off his mouth, "I promise I won't."

The two smiled at each other, just making eye contact.

"is this a bad time to kiss you?" Max asked, the monegasque laughed, wrapping his hands around his neck.

"I dont think Kimi would mind." he whispered, before their lips crashed together.


Seb had left to get some food shopping, so Kimi saw it as a chance and hauled the whole house into the dining room once again, announcing his news.

Lets just say the house walls could've came crashing down they screamed that loud.

"Guys!" Kimi shouted, "I know I know but shut up a second!"

They all fell silent.

"I need you guys to help me plan it, because I want all of you there." he admitted, hands clasped together infront of him, "And lando please breath because I need you all alive for it to work."

Lando exhaled a breath he didn't realise he was holding, "How'd you know-"

"Whatever! Checo get me a pen and paper." Kimi ordered, Checo followed.

Lewis couldn't help but ask, "What ring you got?"

Kimi gave him a blank stare, then smiled, "Ive hid it, no ones seeing it before Seb so you can all sit back down."

Everyone whined, but lewis was still beaming a grin, looking over at George who was also smiling.

Kimi started explaining his vision, writing it all down on the paper, but the whole time he was explaining Lando was just staring at Carlos in awe. still listening, but he could really imagine a future with the man in this moment.

Everyone had a role, everyone was involved, it really was, the perfect plan.


Dont come at me for how short this filler chap is because otherwise none of you r invited to the wedding!

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