Clifftop Costal Walks - Part 3

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"Max I'm not walking up those stairs if I fall I swear." Charles shook his head, an abandoned lighthouse was placed in the very centre of the pit. It looked like it had collapsed into this huge crater but surprisingly it still stood in one piece.

"Come on." Max grabbed his hand, leading him forward in front of him, "If you fall im right behind you."

The stairs were narrow and on the outside of the tower, only a small railing separating a large drop and the steps.

Charles kept hold of the Dutchman's hand as they climbed the stairs, them getting increasingly narrower by the second. 

The monegasge looked around, eyes fixated on the view ahead of them. So intrigued he missed a step, his foot slipping off and his body falling back a little.

His body hit Max's chest, where the Dutchman wrapped his arms around him. Stopping his fall, "you okay?" He laughed under his breath.

"Yeah." Charles breathed, "just missed a step."

Max helped him back on his feet, keeping a hand against the side of his waist before they reached the top.

It overlooked everything, you could just peer out of the crater and see the oceans bright blue ripples. Charles crept over to the edge, the sky was bright as the sun was getting lower and lower, pastel colours painting the world like a piece of artwork. He leant his arms on the thick railing, placing his head against them.

"You wouldn't guess this was abandoned, it's so pretty up here." Max gently closed the door to get out here, walking over to Charles.

"Mhm." He smiled, looking up at the Dutchman who had just wrapped an arm over his shoulders.

The monegase leaned into his body, and snuggled up to him. They stayed in silence for a few moments, a comfortable silence. Just them looking out into the distance from this white tower.

"Charles?" Max eventually whispered, leaning down into Charles hair where his lips hovered.

"Yeah?" He whispered back, face glowing from the suns shine and its bright yellow colours.

"I love you." Max mumbled, Charles smiled, spinning around and leaning his back against the railing.

His hands ran up Max's arm, up to his neck and then along his jawline, while mumbling, "I love you too."

Max looked down at the floor, "I got you something."

Charles frowned as his hand dropped gently back to his side, a confused look across his face, "what?"

He dug in his pocket, "Pierre said you wear a lot of bracelets and..."

He pulled out a small white box, it was square and thin and was one of the ones that slid out, he carried on talking, "I saw one while kimi was looking for a ring, it reminded me of you a little."

Charles smile was so wide, his eyes glistening as Max slid open the box, it was a silver bracelet, connected with customisable links and engraved writing.

It was perfect, it had todays date on which made Charles frown again, "it's beautiful, but why's todays date on it?"

"Because..." he grabbed his hand, unclipping the clasp on the bracelet and slipping it on the monegasque's wrist, "I also wanted to ask you something today."

His eyes gleamed at the jewellery, the 16th of march engraved on the front, a Ferrari logo on one of the links, a red bull logo on the one next to it and all the other ones had things that reminded Charles of himself, his friends and Max. He'd never smiled so much in his life.

"What?" He asked, looking up with a grin that glistened in the light as it was now officially sunset.

"Charles." Max looked him in the eye, a smile creeping on his face, his thumb grazed the top of the monegasques hand and he gently breathed out, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Charles looked at the floor as his face burned a bright red, Max used his finger to lift up his chin and the monegasge was smiling a very toothy smile.

"Yes Max." He whispered sincerely, his voice gentle.

Max gazed at his now boyfriend, his hands quickly finding his face and bringing him in for a kiss. Charles smiled against his lips, holding him closer and tighter as he kissed him deeper.

But a thunderous voice made them break apart.

"Max! Charles? Where the he'll are you guys?" It was seb, the two on the tower ducked behind the railing trying to hold in their giggles as they heard quick footsteps approaching.

"Guys!? Please answer Daniel and Lando need help!" He yelled louder and the two crouched on the floor shared a concerted look. They both peered over the edge seeing Seb frantically glancing here there and everywhere.

"What!" They both yelled together and Seb looked up, sighing in relief before frowning.

"Daniel and Lando are like bleeding out! Hurry up and get your arses down here!"


There might be a lot of spelling mistakes because once again I did this on my phone aha

Short chap sorreyyy

Have a good day guys!
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