...have big consequences

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The door slammed, startling Seb and Kimi who had been playing a game of chess to get his mind off his hangover, "Max?"

When Kimi didn't get a reply, seb peered around the corner to the hallway, stood at the door was Charles with his head down and breathless, like he'd been running, the German frowned, "Charles? What's up?"

"Nothing." He muttered, kicking off his shoes and going to run up the stairs but Seb stopped him.

"Wheres max? Thought you went to the shop together." he asked, but that seemed to be the last straw for Charles, speeding up to the second floor.

Seb shared a look with his boyfriend, who motioned for him to go see what was up with their 'child'. So he did, tapping on the bathroom door the monegasque had locked himself in.

"Charles?" he tapped again, "What's going on?"

"I dont know." he sighed from behind thee door, "I kissed him seb, I fucking kissed him."

Sebs eyes were so wide they'd pop out, it was like he was opened into a knew world of information in that moment, "You what? Open the door."

Which he did, the door opened and Charles was sat on the floor against the bath, eyes a little glossy but not like he was going to cry, "I kissed him seb!"

"What did he like walk off in a strop?" Seb smiled, closing the door and sitting down beside him, placing a hand on his knee.

"No! he kissed me back!" He exclaimed, head now in his hands and Seb was gobsmacked.

"What's bad about that?"

"Nothing! I ran off because  I got to scared and ive never liked a boy like this, like ever-!" he started ranting, but the front door shut from downstairs, making Charles just curl up in a ball, "Shit! Ive fucked it haven't I?"

He smiled down at the younger, "You haven't, all you've got to do is appolagise."

"What if he doesn't accept it though, what if it was just nothing?"

"He kissed you back Charles, that's impossible to be nothing."


Downstairs Max shut the door, not knowing what to do. He slid his shoes off and walked into the kitchen, unloading all the ice creams he got Kimi, "Son, what happened with Charles?"

It surprised Max and his brows rose, "What- Nothing-"

"Well didn't look like nothing, he came in slamming doors." Kimi sighed and Max breathed in relief, then frowned.

"Wait slamming doors?" he asked, "that's not like him."

"Thought you'd know but whatever," he shook his head, "What flavours you get?"

"a ton I had no clue," he pointed to the freezer before walking off upstairs, passing the bathroom Charles and seb were in, then locking himself in his room.

What did he do wrong? Why did he just run away? 

He sat on the edge of his bed and  pulled out his phone, clicking on the contact of Charles, he hadn't messaged him in months there were still knife emojis next to his name. he quickly changed that and typed out a message, his leg anxiously bouncing, not knowing whether to send it or not.

'did I do something wrong?'

The message read, but he held down on delete, slamming his already smashed up phone on his bedside table, rolling over in his bed sheets, fuck Charles.


Meanwhile Logan and Oscar were in the Americans room watching a film, Logan had insisted they watch a marvel film but Oscar didn't care because  he ended up almost dozing off with his head in his best friends lap.

"Oscar watch this is a good bit!" Logan pointed to the tv and the Australian just looked up and shook his head with a grin, sleepily.

"What was the point even putting a film on?" he sighed, running his finger through the younger boys hair gently.

"So I could sleep and you'd be busy watching the film." Oscar rolled over onto a pillow and Logan laid down besides him.

"Wow how fun." he rolled his eyes, placing over at the boy next him, ironically who was already looking at him, "Did you get any sleep at all?"

"Not really," he rubbed his eyes, inching closer to Logan and snuggling into his side, "Im just gonna sleep here."

Logan smiled, wrapping his arm over Oscar, grazing his fingertips along his arm gently back and fourth. 


Seb and Kimi were making dinner, a weird and awkward atmosphere above them before Seb broke it, "Did max seem off when he came in?"

"I dont know, not really." Kimi sighed, cutting up some carrots, "What happened with Charles?"

That was the one thing he didn't want him to ask because  he can't keep a secret from his boyfriend, but he knew he'd shout with surprise, "You promise not to tell any one, not even the kids."

"I Promise?" he frowned.

Seb sighed, "max and Charles kissed and Charles ran away now max won't talk to me."


"Shush! I knocked on Max's door and he told me to leave him be." seb yelled, shutting Kimi up.

"Not even that, Charles ran away?"he looked so shocked, seb nodded.

"Lets be honest, neither of them are apologising."


Charles sat on his bed, cross legged and just looked around his room. It was getting late, around midnight and everyone was downstairs but him and Max. they were both locked away in their rooms.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't possibly just sit there and not do anything, he'd waited weeks for this. hell years to even become max's friend and he wasn't going to throw it away because  of some stupid fear. He got up, slipping his slippers on and unlocked his door.

he tried to open Max's but it was locked, so he grabbed a baby pin of lilys from the bathroom, attempting to pick the lock. Somehow he managed to get in.

He shook max awake, "Max?"

"Charles? what the hell-" he groaned sleepily, rubbing his eyes, a bit dazed.

"Max im sorry." he cupped the cheek of the dutchman, who shook his head, squinting his eyes.

"Charles its late, do you have to say this now-?" Max tried to wriggle his head out of the monegasques hold, but he just put both his hands around the back of his neck, forcing him to face him.

"Look at me," he muttered, "Im sorry, im so sorry I dont know why I ran off-" 

Max smiled a little, "Charles-"

"No I have waited weeks for this and I dont know why I didn't say sorry sooner-"


He shut up, looking straight into the eye of the dutchman. the moonlight glistened perfectly of him, max was just perfect. That nickname was going to be the death of him.

Max pulled him in by the waist and tucked a hand behind his neck, pulling him in and kissing him.Charles almost fell onto him in shock, grasping a pillow to hold him up as he pulled away.

"I know Charles." max whispered, "Its not your fault."


Gonna start a lestappen book soon I think this chap had my eyes well teary idk why 🥲

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