Is it over now?

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Charles was crying so hard it felt like he couldn't breath, why would max do that? He didn't know where he was in the club, it could've been anywhere. he almost fell into the wall, one moment they were fine, having the time of their life dancing, and now? Max was crying out front, Charles was lost and having a mental break down and worst of all, Jos was on the loose.

Somehow, lord know how, Charles ended up back at the bar, tear eyed and dazed he almost walked into someone, "Shit im sorry-"

He looked up, his vision was so impaired he couldn't hardly make out who it was, but when the stars went and the face became clear, it was like something out of a nightmare, "Jos-?"

The monegasque backed up, tripping on his own feet as Jos grabbed his shirt collar, "Where is my son?"

"I-" Charles attempted to speak, he wasn't being held up or chocked, but Jos wasn't a flimsy man, and wasn't a calm one either, "I dont know."

Kimi spotted what was going on in the corner of his eye, rushing over immediately, "Jos what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Like you can answer me, its pretty obvious you lied, you've seen the photos right?" Jos smirked, not letting go of Charles.

The second everyone on the grid saw the commotion they swarmed like bees, Carlos and lando ran outside to warn Seb.

"Which you obviously took." Kimis face didn't change once, "Let Charles go."

"Where is my son Kimi?"

Just in that moment Seb and Max walked in, locking eyes with Kimi and Charles.

The first thing Max noticed was the tear streak marks that ran down the monegasques face, then the fact his own dad was holding him by his collar.

"Dad." He shouted, "Im right here."

It felt like a scene out of a sad film, the second Charles was let go he made eye contact with max, who just shrugged with a sad smile, but seb being the mum like man he is stepped in front of him, "Jos youre a sick prick, you know that?"

"seb!" Kimi warned, giving him a shut the fuck up look.

he shook his head, Jos frowned, eyes flashing red, "what did you say?"

"stalking your own son? Just because  you didn't make it in you life doesn't mean you abuse your son to finish your failure." seb kept going on, making Jos more and more mad.

It felt like the whole club was watching, just waiting for something to happen. and when it did, it shocked people more than they thought.

Jos lifted his fist, punching seb across the eye and making him fall to the floor.


Charles, Kimi and Lewis screamed, bouncers came over, dragging a kicking and screaming Jos Verstappen out of the door. Max watched everyone fall to the floor to help seb, Kimi making orders left right and centre, but Max couldn't help but see himself in his fathers eyes.

He breathed in and out but Daniel, who was teary eyed to grabbed his shoulders, "Max?"

" Is it over yet?," he had his hands on his head, shaking like mad.

Kimi in the back ground was practically screaming while Max was trying not to faint.

"Max?" Daniel waved a hand in front of his face, "Earth to Max?"

"Dan this cant be me."


That next morning it wasn't normal, Seb didn't wake up to make breakfast, instead he was lied down on the sofa with an ice pack on his eye, held by a sleepy Kimi who hadn't had a single hour of sleep.

Lando wasn't bouncing up and down the halls with his boyfriend, he was curled up in his bed with tears marks on his pillow and Carlos spooning him.

Peirre and Yuki weren't laughing and flinging food at each other across the table, Daniel wasn't jumping over sebs precious glass table, Logan and Oscar weren't being the flirty friends they were born to be, Lewis and George weren't gossiping at the end of the table.

Charles didn't stay in bed to get a lie in, instead he binned the shirt from the club, not wanting any reminders what happened that night, he also wasn't with max right now, instead, he was crying over him.

And Max, he wasn't chasing his friends down halls, he wasn't bad mouthing his whole bloodline at the table as a joke, instead he was just thinking of one person, not seb, not his dad. Charles.

Everything managed to change in one night.


Super short filler chap but will make longer one next time❤️

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